about democracy

Democracy doesn't work when the majority of people are idiots.
I'm just saying. Democracy doesn't really make any sence. Why let the people, who for the most part will not be educated in the economics of the country, (etc, etc) make the decitions?

I'm gonna be a dictator when I grow up :D:D:SaiyanSmilie_anim::SaiyanSmilie_anim:
Whered this come from Kark?

NZ is democratic I wouldnt much like it to be a dictatorship.
"Democracy doesn't work when the majority of people are idiots." is just something I said once. I'm not for dictatorship, but it's a funny little truth.
I came to think of it when my clan was suppose to make a decition in an online game. The majority of the clan wanted something that wouldn't have worked. I, being the more experienced player, overran them :D

Why let people who don't know what they are talking about decide something when there are people who know what they are talking about that can do it better? :p

In a perfect world, dictatorship wouldn't have been so bad. the problem is just that sometimes the people who are suppose to know stuff get it wrong, and power gets to the rulers head.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro dictators. That's because they are always tyrans and they don't run the country in a way that benifits the people.
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"Democracy doesn't work when the majority of people are idiots." is just something I said once. I'm not for dictatorship, but it's a funny little truth.
I came to think of it when my clan was suppose to make a decition in an online game. The majority of the clan wanted something that wouldn't have worked. I, being the more experienced player, overran them :D

Why let people who don't know what they are talking about decide something when there are people who know what they are talking about that can do it better? :p

In a perfect world, dictatorship wouldn't have been so bad. the problem is just that sometimes the people who are suppose to know stuff get it wrong, and power gets to the rulers head.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro dictators. That's because they are always tyrans and they don't run the country in a way that benifits the people.

Karky, the fact is that there is no actual way of running a country without somebody disliking the decisions the government makes.

A dictatorship means although some people get exactly what they want, the other half suffer because of it. People get hung out to dry. Democracy is the best way forward, even if it can be completely idiotic sometimes.

What game were you playing btw?
it's called newage.

And dude, this isn't a serious thread :p It would never work in a country, but when running a game clan with a bunch of newbies, I can honestly say those are the truest words I have ever spoken :p

And as for the running a country part, I'd just kill everyone who disliked my decisions. that way, everyone is happy :D

I'm sure if you were to compare education level with probability of being a voter, you would see a direct relationship. People uneducated are much much less likely to vote, and people educated are much more likely to vote. Sure some educated people are still idiots, haha, but at least some know what they want. I'm really only thinking about local gov't here, with levies and local politicians and stuff. Democracy is great for a local application. On a federal level, I don't even wanna go there!!! ha, I kid, it's the shiz.
Remember, when the US first started out the rich, well educated (landowners) were the only ones who could vote and were supposed to run the country as benevelent leaders for the good of all. How far we have progressed???

Of course many dictators have tried the kill everyone who doesn't agree with me plan (Stalin, Pol Pot come to mind), and failed miserably...
so my English education will make me better at figuring out who's right about the economics of the country, I don't think so. What I'm saying is that unless your education teaches you to handle the problems the government has to handle, you're an idiot in the case of voting :p
Democracy doesn't work when the majority of people are idiots.
I'm just saying. Democracy doesn't really make any sence. Why let the people, who for the most part will not be educated in the economics of the country, (etc, etc) make the decitions?

I'm gonna be a dictator when I grow up :D:D:SaiyanSmilie_anim::SaiyanSmilie_anim:

Actually, because you are required to register to vote that helps in reducing the amount of idiots voting, because if a person is too lazy to register to vote, then he probably shouldn't be voting in the first place.

We don't live in a democracy though :) . We haven't since 1920.
If we're talking about true democracy here, then I don't think it exists in any country. Maybe in some communes in the woods or something, but true democracy cannot exist in a large nation. What the U.S., and other countries with a similar voting system have, is called a Republic. We vote for people who make political decisions for us. Yes, we occasionally get to vote on laws or measures, but those are drafted by people who have been voted into office. The regular people have no direct say in what happens with the country. It's not a democracy at all.

So (In theory) our system prevents idiots form running the country. This isn't the case obviously. Just look at the state of our government. I believe we should be less afraid of the common person and more afraid of the people we call politicians.
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In aus we have a federal election coming up. Without a democracy the govt would be 100% self interest and not refelct the views of the nation.

Its about different parties with often similar views but significant differences, putting together a plan for the country and its up to you to decided who is best fit.

You dont have to be an idiot to know whos best for you.
WE don't even really get a chance to elect anyone we want because the media chooses which candidates we will learn about, to vote for. Ever notice how certain candidates get better press from different media sources? Most politicians to be elected have to sell their soul to corporate media..alot are corrupt and care about their own well being..and not the countries,,
Democracy is dependent upon the idiots fighting amongst themselves and being largely ignorant whilst those in power make the crucial decisions.

Trouble is that mass media has given the idiots a voice, inducing single issue politics and hype; meanwhile the ever increasing costs of getting into power, largely to have to please the idiots with persuasive entertainment, meaning that industry finances a political system that, in turn, works for its interests and not the idiot. The idiot become more restless so look for new entertainment, and so the circle continues....
In aus we have a federal election coming up. Without a democracy the govt would be 100% self interest and not refelct the views of the nation.

Its about different parties with often similar views but significant differences, putting together a plan for the country and its up to you to decided who is best fit.

You dont have to be an idiot to know whos best for you.

I agree with this.

Lets talk about the word "Idiot". Is everyone an idiot? If so, then who would be fit to run the nation. Only a select few? What constitites an "Idiot". Is it a certain type of person? Someone of a certain age, class, race, gender?

What sane person would lack the ability to pick the best canditate for thier own interests? True, we basically have a two party system, but generally one party will better suit one's interests over the other. Who, then, cannot make that decision for themselves?
Everyone is an idiot, including the idiots who are elected to run the countries.

Idiots ruling idiots, I don't see the problem.

This thread proves it. :)
putting politics beside..yukk

Being in the health industry is the best job you can have, doing something you love while giving back to the community.

unlike snobby businessman, politicians, mechanics etc
Unfortunately there is a lot of business and politics within the health industry.

You can't get away from it...but you can use it to your advantage, if you're in a position of power and authority.
I don't care what profession it is, there will always be "politics", just maybe to different degrees is all.

In democracy, you have people who vote with their own interests and beliefs in mind. In dictatorships, you have people who rule - with their own interests in mind. Whichever way you go, humans are humans.
unlike snobby businessman

Keep in mind that these "snobby businessmen" are the reason that everyone else has a job.

Most businessmen are not snobby, are pretty good guys, and do give back to the community. (there are business women as well. :cool:)

Whichever way you go, humans are humans.

That is a good point. I should also point out that every form of government used up until this point has failed. (either from within or from without)

The current form of democracy being used in the US, Australia, and other, more democratic countries, is the best thing we have found for this current time. Given enough time they will fail as well, and the governmental experiment will continue.