Abear??? I thought that dude was dead journal

Monday morning

Jump rope tabatas (20-10 8x)

Beginning to feel I can add to this, which is good!! The first few times like to knock me out.
Monday afternoon

Dips BW 7x5 (up from 6x5)
Chins BW 7x4 (up from 6x4)
Deadlifts 45x5 95x5 135x3 185x2 155 9x3 (up from 8x3)
Planks 1x60secs
Yep, got my issues taken care of and now I'm back into it. I've lost about 40lbs and almost 8 inches of my waist. I could only do 1 chin and about 2-3 dips awhile back so I'm making progress.

Thanks for the acknowledgements!!

Congrats man....good to hear from you.
Tuesday afternoon

Sled Pulls Forward and Backward 150 ft 5x
Sandbag 65lbs Zercher carries and overhead carries 50ft 4x
Sledgehammer 3x5 each side
Farmers Walks 45lb plates 100 ft 2x
Then did one arm at a time for 100ft 1x each

At this time, Hurricane Gustav is heading right for us. :mad:
Tuesday afternoon

Sled Pulls Forward and Backward 150 ft 5x
Sandbag 65lbs Zercher carries and overhead carries 50ft 4x
Sledgehammer 3x5 each side
Farmers Walks 45lb plates 100 ft 2x
Then did one arm at a time for 100ft 1x each

That is f'n awesome training right there!!!
This is why you should move to Oklahoma. We don't have any of those things called hurricanes.

You guys just get tornados!!

About 7 years ago my mom and stepdad got caught in a really bad one in Oklahoma City. It took their car and launched it a block away from the hotel they were staying at.
Thursday afternoon

Overhead press 45x5 55x5 65x3 60 3x12
Bent over rows 45x5 55x5 65x3 70 3x12
Front squats 45x5 65x5 85x3 90 3x8
Planks 1x60 secs

Added 5lbs from last week though still light weight, high reps, exploding the weight up as fast as possible, one minute rest in between all sets.

The track for Gustav is coming right on top of us but things can change and probably will. I will begin preparing tomorrow morning.
Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself succeeding, and ROARING TO THE FINISHING LINE!

Hold this mental picture vividly........

Never permit it to fade or die out.

Your mind will seek to develop the picture...

Do not build up obstacles in your imagination.

You are the sensation of your own creation.


You are doing GREAT! :)

Best regards,

Waist measured in this morning at 31 3/4 so have 1/4" to reach my goal I set back in March. :)

Unfortunately this maybe as far as I go with this training cycle. Hurricane Gustav is now a category 3 storm and as of this time it's predicted to hit the Louisiana coast with their line heading straight for our area. I spent yesterday getting ready over here, this morning getting my aunts house ready. This afternoon will go do my parents house and tomorrow morning my grandparents house. So in a way I did get my training in this morning. LOL!!!

I will stay but at my grandparents house on the other side of town. We're use to these things as we had a direct hit from Andrew in 1992, Lillie in 2003 and Rita in 2005 was close enough. We prepare for the worst and that possibly means having no home to come back to. Right now I feel I'm ready mentally and physically for what's in store.

So to Gustav, BRING IT ON! :action10:

And to all my old friends and new friend here, add another 1lb to the bar, lose another inch from the waist, carry the sandbag a few more feet, KEEP IT GOING!!!!!!
