A Small Skinny Teen Looking For Help...

Someone said how you should research and all that but that isnt the case. Here's the deal, do not take any supplements but rather eat more meat and dairy. Some gym memberships are very expensive find one that offers nothing more than weights. Get yourself a part time job and get a pass. Eat a bunch of meat before u go and work out. Start off slow and slowly start lifting more, and dont worry at all about what everyone else at the gym thinks.

Eat meat and dairy? And you think you are going to help this young man. Meat and dairy offer what? Proteins and some vitamins. Ha buddy, actually research a little bit. THe proteins in meats and dairies is not even close to enough. Actually you want to eat more veggies, breads and pastas.

Your veiw on eating a bunch before the workout. That is also ill educated.Protein synthisis occurs after a hard workout and is then used. SO eat 5-6 times daily at a regular time no matter when you workout.

Also you say to go to a gym with only weights. I dont think there are any but if there are then they SUCK! Blood is what carries oxygen, and nutrient rich items to your muscles so you need to work on cardio a good deal also. You can do this without machines but most gyms if not all offer them.

I am farly new on here. Please pardon my spelling. I type fast and i sometimes mess up. I am a personal trainer at the Lake in Camdenton. MO.
I have been on many other fitness sites and seen this before. (A lot of uneducated people trying to help) I am not trying to be mean but please do not try to educate people when you are uneducated yourself. Eating mostly a meat diet will(not maybe) overload your livers with protein toxins which can lead to liver problems that may lead to death. Not working on cardio and building mass will work the heart too hard and will lead to serious problem which may also lead to death. So, again please do not offer advise unless you are sure about what you are saying.
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Whoo, wow. SLow down now. Do not let geneics divert you from your goal. These three posts are not exactly true. By eating a flawless well balanced diet and working out (not only lifting is required to grow. IE: rib cage exspansion.) you (no matter your genetics) should be able to add a minimum of 5lbs a year. Most ectomorphs ( skinny guys) add 1 lbs a month of hard solid mass.

Note: You actually can modify your genetics with many different suppliments and/or steroids. Steroids are bad but not as bad as eating 6000 caleries a day of trash food. :)

This is so wrong in so many ways.
This is so wrong in so many ways.

Another one. :) GO to and look at all the genetics and anatomy information or go and take a nice sample corse at some college. Genetics do modify themselves during your lifetime. Think about having cancer, your body reacts and changes. it is the same with constant strain on your mucular system. But please bud dont take my word for it. Read a little yourself. :)

"DNA in our bodies gets changed in all sorts of ways just because we
are alive. It gets damaged by radiation, by viruses and chemicals;
things go wrong in cell division. The body has a very sophisticated
system that checks for such damage and repairs it, if it can. If it can't,
the cells with damaged DNA are killed or go onto to become

This is from Jan Witkowski, Faculty. CSHL, Cold Spring Harbor, NY

When you look at hypertrophy and you see molecules you can understand that you can deny genetic limitations.
A quick lesson in GH (growth hormone) is here I had to look quick so I only found the bad kind of change :) Sorry
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Another one. :) GO to and look at all the genetics and anatomy information or go and take a nice sample corse at some college. Genetics do modify themselves during your lifetime. Think about having cancer, your body reacts and changes. it is the same with constant strain on your mucular system. But please bud dont take my word for it. Read a little yourself. :)

Your telling me to go to college when you can not even spell muscular or course.
Another one. :) GO to and look at all the genetics and anatomy information or go and take a nice sample corse at some college. Genetics do modify themselves during your lifetime. Think about having cancer, your body reacts and changes. it is the same with constant strain on your mucular system. But please bud dont take my word for it. Read a little yourself. :)

"DNA in our bodies gets changed in all sorts of ways just because we
are alive. It gets damaged by radiation, by viruses and chemicals;
things go wrong in cell division. The body has a very sophisticated
system that checks for such damage and repairs it, if it can. If it can't,
the cells with damaged DNA are killed or go onto to become

This is from Jan Witkowski, Faculty. CSHL, Cold Spring Harbor, NY

I had to look quick so I only found the bad kind of change :) Sorry

Lol wow thats funny, no one questioned the fact that genetics can be altered but ill play along.

tell me exactly what gene can be altered to A. increase muscle fiber count B. Break the genetic limit on muscle "size" C. fix a hormone related disorder such as Low IGF-1 or perhaps HGH now tell me the supplement that can do all those things and let alone the fact you suggest steroids to a teen shows your intelligence.


For the record you are saying each and every single person on this earth can become an Arnold? because that is what you seem to be saying?
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Your telling me to go to college when you can not even spell muscular or course.

I am at work and typing quickly and not exactly giving 100% on here. Ha. but really man, I could care less about the spelling but what you and that other man are telling that kid to do is wrong. It might work for a few years but then major health issues will set in.
Also please give facts to justify your replys. I am hear to teach and learn so If I am missing something please inform me with 100% fact not opinion.
Lol wow thats funny, no one questioned the fact that genetics can be altered but ill play along.

tell me exactly what gene can be altered to A. increase muscle fiber count B. Break the genetic limit on muscle "size" C. fix a hormone related disorder such as Low IGF-1 or perhaps HGH now tell me the supplement that can do all those things and let alone the fact you suggest steroids to a teen shows your intelligence.


For the record you are saying each and every single person on this earth can become an Arnold? because that is what you seem to be saying?

I never recommended steroid use, or supplements. Where did you get that. I gave variation. I did not tell that kid to take either. They are just options. I am also not telling anyone they can be arnold. I am trying to keep this individual away from A. liver failure. . Bad cardio system. And he will also gain size with hard work and dedication.
I am at work and typing quickly and not exactly giving 100% on here. Ha. but really man, I could care less about the spelling but what you and that other man are telling that kid to do is wrong. It might work for a few years but then major health issues will set in.
Also please give facts to justify your replys. I am hear to teach and learn so If I am missing something please inform me with 100% fact not opinion.

I think your confused, What did i tell him? i have not even spoken to the person who started this thread i was responding to karky.

Secondly, what facts do you want? i have not claimed anything, your the one that did that.

You are not truly making much sense. i think you should wait till your off work to come back and re read the thread then talk.
I think we're straying from the point. Someone at work, Carl is also thin as rake, but eats a big fried breakfast, pies, has lunch and snacks through the day and is also rake thin, he has tried to put on a little weight, but only managed a couple of pounds. We also go boxing every-now-and-then and still no difference.
Someone else I know is big, but only eats healthy, where Carl eats high fat and protein diet. Confusing...?
I think your confused, What did i tell him? i have not even spoken to the person who started this thread i was responding to karky.

Secondly, what facts do you want? i have not claimed anything, your the one that did that.

You are not truly making much sense. i think you should wait till your off work to come back and re read the thread then talk.

No bro, I am not telling you that you told him those things. Sorry if you think I did I am only replying to the post when you said I was completly wrong. Thats all. I just wanted to know why I was wrong. I know you didn't tell him to do those things it was the other guy. I only want to know why you think I was wrong. Matter of fact you seem pretty educated in physical training and even a little in anatomy. Props to you, you know a lot more then most. All I am saying is that everyone has the potential to have a large frame. If you are small it might look like Frank Zane. And If you're large you might look like Dorian Yates. No matter if you are smart and dedicated you can become large. DO you agree? If not why dont you.
I think we're straying from the point. Someone at work, Carl is also thin as rake, but eats a big fried breakfast, pies, has lunch and snacks through the day and is also rake thin, he has tried to put on a little weight, but only managed a couple of pounds. We also go boxing every-now-and-then and still no difference.
Someone else I know is big, but only eats healthy, where Carl eats high fat and protein diet. Confusing...?

Actually it makes sence. Ectomorphs (THin people) Have high metabolic rates which makes gaining weight near impossible. But it is possible if the weight you gain isn't fats and carbs. You need both of these to have energy (hence metabolic rate) This energy can then be used to lift weights. The strain on the muscle will make the muscle stronger. It then adapts to the weight. TO adapt or grow muscles need the amino acids in proteins and numerous other nutrients. That adds poundage over time. It takes dedication and hard work but in the end it pays off.
No bro, I am not telling you that you told him those things. Sorry if you think I did I am only replying to the post when you said I was completly wrong. Thats all. I just wanted to know why I was wrong. I know you didn't tell him to do those things it was the other guy. I only want to know why you think I was wrong. Matter of fact you seem pretty educated in physical training and even a little in anatomy. Props to you, you know a lot more then most. All I am saying is that everyone has the potential to have a large frame. If you are small it might look like Frank Zane. And If you're large you might look like Dorian Yates. No matter if you are smart and dedicated you can become large. DO you agree? If not why dont you.

Ok were on the right track now, First off, when calling you wrong at the time it seemed "but you claim not to be" suggesting steroids and that is what i was mainly referring to as wrong.

Secondly, I do not believe every one can become "Large" though i do believe we all can to some degree have nice definition to our body's

Reason why i believe why some people can not become "Large"
A. A low muscle fiber count will prevent a person from attaining large muscles
B. A person with naturally low levels of any of the following Testosterone,HGH,IFG-1 can simply not gain much of lean mass if any at all
C. A person with say hyperthyroidism, would have a very hard time gaining muscle mass and to some degree same is true for someone who has HypoThyroidism
D. A person whos genetics simply limit muscle mass size far to much "although unlikely some select people have this problem"
E. some people do not correctly process some of the essential amino acids that aid in muscle mass development

I could go on but most of the time its a combination of problems, again gaining muscle mass to a point is possible for just about all people however not every one can become "Large" and hulk"ish"
were do you live? I will do free online personal training for you. Only if you commit to it, try hard, and not be a baby about anything. You don't need alot of fancey equipment to pack on muscle. Let me know
:mad: OK guys, the kid doesn't go to a gym, doesn't want to go to a gym, doesn't want to lift weights, get off the subject! Nobody is helping here!:mad:

This is just a copy and paste, forgive me, but it seems you guys were in the same boat so i'll use it here.

( you will note that everyone here has their own opinions, but mostly it is because of personal experience. Everyone has their own workout issues, and has worked with people with different issues. Ever BODY is different as I always tell the kids I have taught in the past, and the all the people I work with actually. Take everything you learn here with a grain of salt. Basically at this point you just want to make sure you are doing everything safely, properly, and learn what works for YOUR body.

To answer your original question: You want a home workout? Honestly, I would say do
1. A bit of core work, first (supermans, planks),
2. Jog in place to get yourself warmed up.
3. Do pushups until you feel your muscles burn, but not to fatigue (that's the first set, make sure you can do them properly, tight flat abs, do not let your back sag),
4. Do squats without weights to feel what it should feel like (chest out, butt back, not TOO much curve in the lower back). If you do this, tense up your muscles, and PRETEND you have weights. Tighten your whole core (like a corset around your spine), PRETEND it is hard to stand up, do it nice and slow etc. This is just to get used to the movement... then add weight slowly, I'll not presume to tell you how much weight you can lift right now, because I have worked with kids I thought could do 20 lbs on each side and they could only do 5-10lbs properly!
5. Back to the pushups, this time until failure (you feel you cannot do them properly)
6. Squat jumps (go down into a squat, still pretending you have weight, then as you come up quickly actually jump up, just a little at first and as you get used to it you can try to pull you knees closer to your chest.)
7. Dips, now do not go too crazy on these, start with your hands on a chair and your feet on the floor. Depending on the way you hold your arms in your push ups your triceps may already be quite tired. Tighten your abs and go down just a few inches to feel what it will be like to go back up. Next time you can go lower and lower, never until you feel strain in your elbow joint, but just muscles working. Do this to almost failure, then
8. More squats, or move on to lunges.

I do not want to throw too many new exercises at you because as you stated you are just beginning. The important thing is to work the whole body, increase the exercises as you get more comfortable, and do not hurt yourself. Oh, and do this every other day.

What are you currently doing, what do you WANT to do. Jumps, pushups and situps should work just fine. Maybe a jumprope would be all for some cardio if you don't get that somewhere else.

Let me know how you are doing!