A Small Skinny Teen Looking For Help...

Hey, I'm freshly turned 16 and I am 5'11" and only 130 pounds. I don't have much muscle at all. Now I see all my friends gonig to the gym to lift weights and all, yet I don't have a gym membership, nor will my parents get me one. And, truthfully, I'm not big on lifting weights. With me being small, I don't want to go into the gym and look really weak. Now I've been on some sites and I've seen people saying to do some push ups and sit ups. Now with being like 130 pounds, I want to gain weight and muscle. Can you guys PLEASE give me some advice on what I should do (i.e. exercises, how much, reps, and you guys should know the deal.) I'm looking for help, so please help me!
Yeah, swallow your pride and start lifting, and start eating. But first, start researching, you'll find that the knowledge of what to do is more empowering than anything...especially when you find it yourself. Start reading the Nutrition sections and Weight Lifting sections...don't neglect the stickies.

Also visit sites like t-nation.com
Stange... most parents would want their children to live an active life style, why won't they get you a membership? Do they think it will harm your body?
They don't want to pay the money. Me and my brother and sister all want memberships at the local Y, but my parents dont wanna spend the dough.
That's too bad...well get yourself one! I guess that's all you can do! you have a good attitude. This site is full of information, my son was skinny when he was 16, he's 190 now and 6'2 and that wasn't from going to the gym...very lean. Another idea is getting yourself some old weights to do at home! garage sale?? etc...push ups will help.
Someone said how you should research and all that but that isnt the case. Here's the deal, do not take any supplements but rather eat more meat and dairy. Some gym memberships are very expensive find one that offers nothing more than weights. Get yourself a part time job and get a pass. Eat a bunch of meat before u go and work out. Start off slow and slowly start lifting more, and dont worry at all about what everyone else at the gym thinks.
"You don't need to do any research into weight training and nutrition...just eat lots of meat..."

In the land of the blind, the cockeyed cyclops really is king.

Translation: Read to start. It's well worth your time. Or you could go with squinty's advice above.
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It's true, he's obviously not taking his muscle development that seriously where hes going to the gym all the time, why would he need anything other than a healthy balance of food??
Hey man, don't sweat it. You have some easy options to getting your hands on some equipment. First, you say that you and your bros and sisters want gym memberships right? Well, yall can save up some money and purches some used equipment. Also, you can save up some money, yourself, and buy a membership. If you're wondering where to grab some good used equipment, check this sweet site out . When you get there, scroll to the right, and pick the state where you live in. O yeah, when you where saying that you didn't want to go into a gym because you think you're too weak, don't worry about it dude. I'm 16 and i had to start somewhere. Now when i go into my highschool weight lifting room, i'm stronger than half of the seniors.
from one skinny guy to another...

you're 16, you must be in high school, does your HS not have a small gym?? if not yours, how about a friend from another high school. There is always a way to get in cheap workouts. I'm sure if you do some research you can at least find a bare bones gym for under 20 bucks a month.

as far as gaining muscle and weight. I was exactly where you were when I was 16, minus about ten pounds.

The worst thing you can do is rush into it or push up or crunch yourself to death. You will create big time muscle imbalances that will be VERY difficult to correct.

Start with light weights the first few weeks. So light that you can control it without sacrificing your form. Gradually increase the weight and decrease the repititions as you get stronger and more comfortable. Just do not make the mistake of spending 90% of your time on the bench press as so many do. Try not to neglect muscle groups such as your upper and lower back, hamstrings, etc.

To gain weight and muscle, you must eat. The food will become more expensive than the gym as your growing body (and muscles) require protein, carbs, and vitamins and nutrients. Start counting your calories and aim for between 3000 and 4000 to start. This doesn't mean big macs and ice cream, concentrate on whole foods and healthy calories. Expect to gain around a quarter to a half a pound a week if all goes well.

Last, do not worry or be embarrassed to workout. Everyone is there for the same reason. Heck even ask someone for some help and tips on technique. I will bet that anyone in there would be more than willing to help a youngster like yourself out.

Good luck and never give up.
They don't want to pay the money. Me and my brother and sister all want memberships at the local Y, but my parents dont wanna spend the dough.

How much is the membership? Reason I'm asking is because I'm wondering if buying your own weights would be better in the long run
lol man me n u G-Rich n the same boat u heavier than me
i weigh 125 n i bench 158 god knows how but i can do it thats cuase i love
weights n ima try 2 get my wieght up 2 like 160 r 200 >,< motivation man
thats all u need keep tryin ull get there i hope n me 2 : P
n YMCA itsnt that great go 2 a REC its free

It's like this... in a gym, nobody cares what weight you lift.

If you're doing small weights, and someone happens to see you they'll just think that you're starting out right, from the bottom up, and they'll say fair play.

It you're lifting massive weights, then people will think fair play for having the dedication to keep it up. Also, going to the gym, seeing someone who's body you'd like to have only motivates you to keep going. So don't worry about the weights you'd be lifting, no matter how light.

if it's a problem that yo just cant get a member ship then push-ups, sit ups, chin ups, pull ups, etc.. are all great.
If I were you, I'd let my body tell me what it should do. I've always been skinny and tried to do weights and eat loads - but not an ounce of meat went over my ribs. Even now I'm thin as a rake.
Then I realised - don't force what you're not.
I took up running and Cardio activities. I'm still 115 lbs as 6feet 3inch, but really fit. I run 10 miles a day, eat a balanced diet and use the Gym mainly for toning and feel okay.
Just remember some people never get big, just do what you're best at and avoid peer pressure - big is not always best.
Am I right?
some people never get bigg?
bull****. If you eat enough, you will get big.

Thats not true, For some becoming big is impossible.
Many factors play into being able to get big and not being able to get big
although in most cases the average skinny person can enlarge them selfs BUT not all because of many factors. Muscle fibers have a limited capacity for growth through hypertrophy and genetics say just how "LARGE" they can grow
Not only that but some people simply have a low muscle fiber count and for others they have hormone related disorders that prevent them from "bulking"

It is not fair or correct to say every one can become large because it is not true.
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Regardless of whether Karky's correct or Silent is, let observable scientific results be your limiting factor.

Trying a little and then wussing out and stating "I'm not meant to be big" is not the same as training and eating hard (and with variation) for years, making very few if any gains, and eventually coming to the decision that you're struggling to achieve unrealistic goals. Do what you can with the assumption that you WILL get to where you want to be.

Excuses are for people who don't get **** done. Blaming your genetics is almost always an excuse.
Whoo, wow. SLow down now. Do not let geneics divert you from your goal. These three posts are not exactly true. By eating a flawless well balanced diet and working out (not only lifting is required to grow. IE: rib cage exspansion.) you (no matter your genetics) should be able to add a minimum of 5lbs a year. Most ectomorphs ( skinny guys) add 1 lbs a month of hard solid mass.

Note: You actually can modify your genetics with many different suppliments and/or steroids. Steroids are bad but not as bad as eating 6000 caleries a day of trash food. :)