A rant about basic concepts I

Hi Ladies/Guys & Steve,
The first post seems pretty kick-ass great!
I am 6'5, and I was 305. Right now I am 287 and continue losing weight, no matter what!
I like all the 9 points said, although for number 7 I think for over-weight people is better to gain a bit of muscle while losing weight, maybe you were saying that for gain huge amounts and to lose a lot of fat won't be the case I guess, since weight training helps more to lose weight, I think?
Anyways, my plan is to do 30 minutes cardio/weights workout, and counting steps all day. Use the fitness app to watch calories, to not go crazy, and it works, I think for the moments the pounds lost are going fast, but there will be a point where it will force me to go the hour training, run, sports, more...
Any ideas, or suggestions to make the workout steady, to not get bored or procrastinate/postponed it?
One thing I do is diversity of workouts, music, preferable food/fruit/meal after workout, but more enrichment will be pretty cools.
I will post more and pics as well!
I personally eat only once a Day!
And since I have established that into my life the pounds are fading away!
I will open a threat about this topic for everybody who is interest in it.
Thanks for sharing your rent realy appreciated it :)
Thanks Cate, this is a great read! From page 1:

All diets are based on calories. Even if they don't directly say it, they are. It is scientifically impossible for them to NOT be based on calories. Calories are energy. To lose weight, you must create an energy deficit. No questions about it! Sure, you can try the low carb approach, but if your energy intake isn't right, you won't lose a pound. Now flip that to a high carb approach (against commonsense) however, account for energy intake and wala, you've got weight loss. You see, there is one primary underlying factor that drives weight loss, and that is calorie (energy) balance."
This makes a lot of sense, I am no dietitian, but I do understand basic thermodynamics, the only way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you eat, short of amputation or something that's the bottom line. In the past I have had success with a low carb diet, but only because I was eating fewer calories. This time around I am just counting calories and trying to find a healthy diet that I can live with in the long run. No gimmicks.

Starvation mode. So many claim to be in it. They are eating 1200 calories and not losing weight. Sadly, more often then not, based on the empirical evidence that has been presented to me, people aren't actually eating 1200 calories each and everyday on a consistent basis. Sure, some days they hit that low point. However, other days they are eating 1500+. Or, on Saturdays they binge all day or have massive cheat meals at their local restaurant. Don't lie to yourself. Be precise. If you can't do that, don't complain that counting calories isn't working when you are fudging the stats.
This is a great point, calorie counts can be hard to do and its easy to wrongly estimate. If I do not weigh, measure, and read labels carefully I fall into this trap. I am sure that my counts are not perfect but by being aware and as honest as possible I think I can get pretty close. Right now I am not much above 1,200 calories a day and not feeling like I'm in starvation mode, and I am losing weight. I am older (66) and not very active, so I don't need as many calories as some folks.
... All diets are based on calories. ...

not really all... mine is based on time. it is much more important when you eat than what you eat. aside from avoiding sugar, i have no calorie restrictions. if i can avoid being sedentary most of the day, i also meet my exercise goal.