A question for men - leg hair...

So pretty much all women (at least here in the states) shave their legs when they wear skirts/shorts. But what if they never show off their legs in public and don't shave them? Do you guys think it's totally gross for women to have hair on their legs in the bed, etc?

Yes. But when you ask an American, you're more than likely going to get a biased answer because of how the culture is raises and expectations of such.

So, no, I don't find a hairy female attractive.
I don't find hairyness attractive at all. I've seen some girls with fine hair on their legs (they were foreign), but that was totally pushing it.

I don't really like arm hair, either. But that's not the question.
Depends if it's coarse or not... on most women, arm and leg hair is so fine that you would need a magnifying glass to see it, and you can't easily feel it. If that's you, then no I don't see a problem with that. However, if you have very coarse hair that is easily seen and felt, then yeah, shave em before hitting the sack.
This reminds me of a funny story my guy told me about when he was in college and he was getting it on with this hot girl.

EDIT: Ok I had to delete my funny story. I don't want him readig it and think I betrayed his trust (even though he never said don't mention it) and even though it IS a funny story...

I don't blame him. I'm a girl and I don't want hair anywhere on me except my head and my eyebrows and eyelashes LOL.
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Not the pits

Shave those god damn pits, ladies. Or better yet, lazer them. Lazer everything, because what if we are the only last two survivors on a deserted island?

Not the pits

Shave those god damn pits, ladies. Or better yet, lazer them. Lazer everything, because what if we are the only last two survivors on a deserted island?

thats funny.
i agree with all the guys--
no hair ANYwhere but on the top of the head.