by the way, I heard that mainlining heroin is exactly like NO-Xplode only better.
I knew some guys who would do lines of coke during their workout in order to get all jacked up to train.
I think on of the died. People are crazy.
On to the topic.
If a supplement works for you. Good. If is a placebo effect. It is still an effect, and you are training better, aren't you?
When it comes to supplements, everything but protein is going to kill you. (or at least cause serous health problems) Even then there is probably some additive in protein that will cause problems as well.
Still, the air you breath and the food you eat will give you some disease.
And, there is a chance you could get hit by a meteor from space.
Of course I would not worry about most of that stuff if I were you.
Bottom line -
If a supplement works for you and you have to money to buy it, use it.
Mreik posted about arginine. It was not long ago that there was stuff about arginine lowering GH levels. Now there is a study that says it might increase GH production.
Even if you swear by the research, you will get conflicting conclusions and opinions.
Of course, research does not tell you what you are doing sucks with heavy sarcasm if your opinion is different.
Why is it that people get all agitated when discussing supplements? It is worse than politics.