ok alot of stuff has been happening to me and my GF Hayley ok a couple days ago my gf Hayley stayed the night with her friend Magen and about 2 weeks Ago my GF Hayley requested a split for a month but she siad it was just to get her dad to shut up about me becouse my gf's dad siad he was tired of me calling her every day and hanging out with her every day and my gf Hayley had siad and promised she is not going to use this time to date other men and we decided to only be BF and GF at school and requested me not call her house or hang out with her after school now I found out the real reson she Split up for a month is I was being way to Obsessive so we made a deal if I don't striaten up in a months its bye bye birdie so I was cool with it and a couple of days ago she calls me well acaly her friend megan called me and my GF Hayley was staying the night over at Megans house so they start jokeing around saying Hayley's is predending to make out with Corben Blue from Disney Channel and I'm cool with that I get they were jokeing but what got me annoyed was Megan kept telling me stuff like techneckly Hayley can date other guys and makeing it sound like Hayley was going to cheat on me so naturaly like any young man I got a bit annoyed then it turns out I ticked off my GF Hayley and her friend Megan now Megans mad cuz I Blamed every thing on her and Hayleys mad cuz I took a Joke to seriosly now this is were I get the most annoyed my GF Hayley threatens to Break-up with me all becouse I took a joke to Seriosly!! and moreover Hayley is letting her friend Megan debate weather she should still consider staying on the split or permenatly break-up with me so I'm sitting there crying after I get off the phone becouse Hayley just screamed at me like I had just called her out knowing when all I was doing was being a BF so I'm really really confused and annoyed I told her mom what I should do and she siad I should just drop it becouse she always gets that mad when something goes wrong I don't know what to do! ALL I KNOW IS I STILL LOVE HAYLEY WITH ALL MY HEART AND I DON'T WANNA BREAK-UP WITH HER!!! and way befor this happend Megans keeps saying nice thing I say or do with Hayley and marks it under me being an Obessive over Protechtive Bitch