A LIL ANNOYED(help from girls)

ok alot of stuff has been happening to me and my GF Hayley ok a couple days ago my gf Hayley stayed the night with her friend Magen and about 2 weeks Ago my GF Hayley requested a split for a month but she siad it was just to get her dad to shut up about me becouse my gf's dad siad he was tired of me calling her every day and hanging out with her every day and my gf Hayley had siad and promised she is not going to use this time to date other men and we decided to only be BF and GF at school and requested me not call her house or hang out with her after school now I found out the real reson she Split up for a month is I was being way to Obsessive so we made a deal if I don't striaten up in a months its bye bye birdie so I was cool with it and a couple of days ago she calls me well acaly her friend megan called me and my GF Hayley was staying the night over at Megans house so they start jokeing around saying Hayley's is predending to make out with Corben Blue from Disney Channel and I'm cool with that I get they were jokeing but what got me annoyed was Megan kept telling me stuff like techneckly Hayley can date other guys and makeing it sound like Hayley was going to cheat on me so naturaly like any young man I got a bit annoyed then it turns out I ticked off my GF Hayley and her friend Megan now Megans mad cuz I Blamed every thing on her and Hayleys mad cuz I took a Joke to seriosly now this is were I get the most annoyed my GF Hayley threatens to Break-up with me all becouse I took a joke to Seriosly!! and moreover Hayley is letting her friend Megan debate weather she should still consider staying on the split or permenatly break-up with me so I'm sitting there crying after I get off the phone becouse Hayley just screamed at me like I had just called her out knowing when all I was doing was being a BF so I'm really really confused and annoyed I told her mom what I should do and she siad I should just drop it becouse she always gets that mad when something goes wrong I don't know what to do! ALL I KNOW IS I STILL LOVE HAYLEY WITH ALL MY HEART AND I DON'T WANNA BREAK-UP WITH HER!!! and way befor this happend Megans keeps saying nice thing I say or do with Hayley and marks it under me being an Obessive over Protechtive Bitch
If you call her and try to hang out with her everyday of course shed get tired of it...people still need their space.
yes thats why we split for a month and we decided to do boyfriend girl friend stuff at school becouse we could not handle being away from each other for days and days at a time. and I told Hayley too give me a month to striaghten up my obsessiveness and I have been I been doing going back into my old hobbies and doing stuff I used to do befor me and Hayley went out like playing soccer and tennis but evey time I try to act like a boyfriend when my GF wants me to her Friend Megan pins it as being Obsessive and I don't thing walking my GF Hayley to some of her classes and giveing her a kiss on the lips or cheek is considerd being obsessive

p.s. I could only go to her house 2 days out of the week the rest I called her every day
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1. Your 15 you, your too young to know what love really is
2. Your grammar needs work, I can't understand anything you write
3. This isn't a website to cry about your personal problems. Keep it Diet && Fitness because thats why we are here.
Calm the hell down man.

Ok, look. Judging by your post, I'm guessing you can't be any older than about 16. I know exactly how intense high school dating can feel, I was with my high school sweetheart for 4 yrs. Trust me, it's not quite the big deal you think it is.

Back off, give her some space. Don't get ticked over the Disney channel or any of that other crap, just chill out and back off. In a few weeks, she'll probably come around, and if she doesn't - I'm sure she isn't the only hottie at your school, there's always more than one. I promise it won't kill you. :)
1. Your 15 you, your too young to know what love really is
2. Your grammar needs work, I can't understand anything you write
3. This isn't a website to cry about your personal problems. Keep it Diet && Fitness because thats why we are here.

1. You're.
2. I <3 irony.
3. Welcome to the Member's Lounge.
so I give Hayley her space don't talk to her unless she wants to talk to me and mybe she will come around becouse I a lil annoyed becouse of what she did she threatend to break-up with me becouse of a joke and she is letting her friend decide weather or not to stay with me all I want is an apolagey becouse what she did was wrong I will calm down I'm just nervouse becouse she is letting her friend decide weather we should be together or not that and I don't know weather she is stil mad or not
I guess this is what happens when yrou get your first long term realationship I'm gunna just drop it and give Hayley her space
How long have you been going out? What exactly are you calling long term here?

It's ok to be upset over a relationship at any age. Just remember that what feels really important now, won't later on. Like how, when you're 5 - not getting to play in the sand box is a really big damn deal at the time.

It's the internet, so perfect punctuation and grammar aren't entirely necessary. Please, honey, restore my faith in the youth of today and show me that there is at least a basic grasp of sentence structure. I'd really appreciate it.
well your proly going to laugh at me becouse you adult Know aclatly what a long term relationship is but I consider it to be a long term relationship becouse all the other girlfriends that used to be with me lasted about a week at most but with Hayley so far its lated 8 months so you see I have a what is considerd for a teen a strong love for My GF Hayley I don't want to let her go so its really hard for me to just leave her alone,we started going out in the middle of 8th grade and weve made into ninth.weve been best friends at the beggining of the 8th grade
8 mos is quite a while in "teen years". Again, though, in the grand scheme of your life, it's not as big of a deal as it feels right now.
ok alot of stuff has been happening to me and my GF Hayley ok a couple days ago my gf Hayley stayed the night with her friend Magen and about 2 weeks Ago my GF Hayley requested a split for a month but she siad it was just to get her dad to shut up about me becouse my gf's dad siad he was tired of me calling her every day and hanging out with her every day and my gf Hayley had siad and promised she is not going to use this time to date other men and we decided to only be BF and GF at school and requested me not call her house or hang out with her after school

now I found out the real reson she Split up for a month is I was being way to Obsessive so we made a deal if I don't striaten up in a months its bye bye birdie so I was cool with it and a couple of days ago she calls me well acaly her friend megan called me and my GF Hayley was staying the night over at Megans house so they start jokeing around saying Hayley's is predending to make out with Corben Blue from Disney Channel and I'm cool with that I get they were jokeing but what got me annoyed was Megan kept telling me stuff like techneckly Hayley can date other guys and makeing it sound like Hayley was going to cheat on me so naturaly like any young man I got a bit annoyed then it turns out I ticked off my GF Hayley and her friend Megan now Megans mad cuz I Blamed every thing on her and Hayleys mad cuz I took a Joke to seriosly now this is were I get the most annoyed my GF Hayley threatens to Break-up with me all becouse I took a joke to Seriosly!! and moreover Hayley is letting her friend Megan debate weather she should still consider staying on the split or permenatly break-up with me so I'm sitting there crying after I get off the phone becouse Hayley just screamed at me like I had just called her out knowing when all I was doing was being a BF so I'm really really confused and annoyed I told her mom what I should do and she siad I should just drop it becouse she always gets that mad when something goes wrong I don't know what to do! ALL I KNOW IS I STILL LOVE HAYLEY WITH ALL MY HEART AND I DON'T WANNA BREAK-UP WITH HER!!! and way befor this happend Megans keeps saying nice thing I say or do with Hayley and marks it under me being an Obessive over Protechtive Bitch


Hello, Brago. The Members Lounge is THE PLACE for your topic; do not be discouraged, my friend to any comment to the contrary.

Things in our daily lives can effect the drive and the want to diet and train, so this is in fact related.

I am going to give you my opinion here in a few minutes young man for what its worth to you........But before I do, I do have some questions.
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I'm happy now^^ she appologized without me even asking her too and without me even notifieing her she realized what she did was bad and she apologized so were cool I just talked to her on Yahoo messenger and the first thing she siad was that she was sorry and that she was not mad at me
I extend a helping hand to my friend:

You can if you elect to do so, post your feelings in the Chill Log that bother you as time passes (and may likewise effect diet and training), and I will be more than happy to respond. The Chill Log does have an "appropriate" Vent-O-Meter.

Good luck to you my friend.
Chillen you're so cool. I think it's great you're understanding because I think some people forget what it's like to be 15 or 16. And I disagree that that's too young to know what love is. Children love, adolecents love, adults love. It may be different with every age but it's love all the same.

I remember that's exactly how old I was (16) when I got my heart broken for the first time. I was devasted, felt like I had a broken spirit, like my life was coming to an end.

In retrospect I see that my world wasn't and didn't come to an end. It was just the end of an era (so to speak).

Just remember Brago, with every relationship/heartbreak you bring something with you that will help you in the next relationship until you find the person who is truly meant to be yours.

Remember your first love isn't necessarily your 'one true love'...it's just that, your first...

Good luck!
Chillen you're so cool. I think it's great you're understanding because I think some people forget what it's like to be 15 or 16. And I disagree that that's too young to know what love is. Children love, adolecents love, adults love. It may be different with every age but it's love all the same.

I remember that's exactly how old I was (16) when I got my heart broken for the first time. I was devasted, felt like I had a broken spirit, like my life was coming to an end.

In retrospect I see that my world wasn't and didn't come to an end. It was just the end of an era (so to speak).

Just remember Brago, with every relationship/heartbreak you bring something with you that will help you in the next relationship until you find the person who is truly meant to be yours.

Remember your first love isn't necessarily your 'one true love'...it's just that, your first...

Good luck!

Great Post!!! :)