Weight-Loss 6 Week New Year's Goal Challenge



New member
Many of us are hoping to kick our weight loss into high gear. The holidays are thankfully behind us and its a new year. Many of us feel it is the time to really step it up and get aggressive about reaching our weight loss goals. We can't necessarily control how many pounds we lose each week, but we can certainly do the things needed to lose weight. And if we do, we can feel good that we're working toward our goals. Hopefully the desired weight loss will result from that effort.

So here's my idea for a 6 week challenge. And its only 6 weeks..after that we can take a maintenance break for a few weeks if we want. So hopefully that will help us focus for the next few weeks, because after all, in 6 short weeks we can slow down just a tad for a few days as long as we dont gain back what we lost.

Start date is Tuesday.



You get 10 points for each day that you either stick to your alloted calories or stick to your intended plan if you dont count calories. Having an unhealthy snack is permitted if its not part of a loss of control where you're eating over your planned calories or eating nothing but junk for the day. That's when you screwed up and dont get the points.

If you eat clean the entire week (again, snacks are OK but mini binges are not), you get an additional 50 points at the end of the week.


You get 100 points if you work out at least 4 hours per week. At least 60 minutes of that time must include weight training, yoga, pilates or some other form of strength training. You can split up the strength work outs any way you want as long as you do a total of 60 minutes within your 4 hour total weekly exercise.


At the end of the challenge, you will receive 5 points for each pound lost during the challenge. Week to week weight change during the challenge will not count toward additional points.


If enough people join, I can randomly create two teams. Each week the lowest scorer of the losing team will be eliminated from the challenge. However, no one can be eliminated if they received their maximum 220 points.

Please let me know if you're interested in joining me on this challenge. Maybe we can motivate each other to work for 6 weeks with limited to no screw ups. Consistent with our food and consistent with our exercise! Can we do that for 6 weeks?

If you want to join, please let me know on this thread or by PM and if enough people join I'll post 2 team threads.
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I want to participate! :)
Question...why next Sunday though....and not this one....?

Good point, I'll change it to start this Tuesday. That'll give a few more days to sign up, but many of us are already doing this now so we may as well get credit haha.
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I'm in Claudia! Can you pair me up with my girl Alta??

I'm so excited about this challenge. My birthday is March 3rd. I would be great to be at my goal weight by then! I vote to start asap.
Sign me up too!! My hubby will be coming home a couple days before this challenge ends, so it's perfect to kick me back into high gear to get these last few pounds to GO AWAY!!! :D
If you end up with enough people for teams, would you be willing to put me with dreamingthin?
looking foward to kicking butt for the next 6 weeks. :D
I'm in! I can't wait for this to start! I would love to be with Michelle, Renee (dreamingthin) and Shandy!
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Hi challenge buddies :). It seems friends want to be on the same team, and I think that's to be encouraged. So I will group you together with your pals, and whomever has no preference will be assigned randomly. So far we have the following teams. For those not yet on a team, let me know if you have a team preference otherwise I'll assign you to a team on Tuesday morning.


shandy (what's your screen name??)
airmanwifey819=Shandy :D

can we add oLUX to our team?


