The seventh mini challenge that I am setting for us runs for 1 week from Monday 26th May until Sunday 01st June. It comes in two parts - the first part being dietary and the second part pertaining to exercise.
Dietary aspect:
Calcium is important for our bones to be healthy.
I have often seen a daily level of 700mg recommended – however there are authorities that promote 1000mg calcium per day.
I often find that my diet is providing me with between 700mg and 800mg. Naturally I have the option of either eating something else containing calcium or taking a supplement which contains calcium. My daily multivitamin contains 100mg calcium, I also take a calcium supplement when appropriate.
My challenge to you for this week is to become aware of how much calcium is in your diet – and improve your intake (either from food or a supplement) so that you have 1000mg each day - 2 points per day.
So – have 1000mg calcium for each day to collect 14 points.
Exercise aspect: – same as last week
I will give 0.5 sunpoint for every 15 minutes of exercise completed during the week. The weekly maximum is 5 hours.
If someone did 5 hours of exercise (or more) across the whole week I would give them 10 sunpoints.
Any form of exercise is acceptable - cardio or strength. I personally do a lot of exercise walking and this certainly counts.
This means that everyone has the opportunity to earn up to 24 sunpoints over the next week.
Dietary aspect:
Calcium is important for our bones to be healthy.
I have often seen a daily level of 700mg recommended – however there are authorities that promote 1000mg calcium per day.
I often find that my diet is providing me with between 700mg and 800mg. Naturally I have the option of either eating something else containing calcium or taking a supplement which contains calcium. My daily multivitamin contains 100mg calcium, I also take a calcium supplement when appropriate.
My challenge to you for this week is to become aware of how much calcium is in your diet – and improve your intake (either from food or a supplement) so that you have 1000mg each day - 2 points per day.
So – have 1000mg calcium for each day to collect 14 points.
Exercise aspect: – same as last week
I will give 0.5 sunpoint for every 15 minutes of exercise completed during the week. The weekly maximum is 5 hours.
If someone did 5 hours of exercise (or more) across the whole week I would give them 10 sunpoints.
Any form of exercise is acceptable - cardio or strength. I personally do a lot of exercise walking and this certainly counts.
This means that everyone has the opportunity to earn up to 24 sunpoints over the next week.