thanks for the tips!
I would never have thought of the jelly.
You're right about the kids.
unfortunately gum chewing makes me gassy

But I will try your other suggestions. Right now, I'm on a decaf green tea kick with frothy soy milk. I got this hand held froth-er and it's been doing wonders for me and my this funny need I have for anything remotely resembling a fattening latte.
I have a question... right now, I'm on summer vacation and 2.5 hour workouts are totally do-able every day and I try to do that plus learn as many new healthy recipies for my family as I can. But, as soon as school starts, regular life begins again and I am so freaked out about gaining all the weight and losing all the muscle that I will and am planning on building from now until August. Any pointers on how to stay motivated when you're time and energy challenged??
- I have numerous workout CDs.
- I can run and NEED to train for the Nike Half-Marathon.
- I have a gym membership
- I also belong to a yoga studio.
- And I dance hula twice a week.
None of the above seem to be significant motivators for me to get myself away from the stack of papers I NEED to grade once the school year starts. If I only do one of the above, I generally do not lose weight - or I lose the weight but am unable to maintain weightloss (as in the running.... the race is in October).