Hi everybody!

*OHD waves*
Sounds like everyone in here is doing great! I just wanted to say don't feel bad about not needing to loose what you deem to be a large amount of weight. When I began this journey, my goal was to loose 14 lbs, which may be insignificant to some but
NO ONE here made me feel this way. I'm not saying that there's no need for this thread because its all about what you feel comfortable with, I just want you to know that the members here will not look down on you or dismiss you because your goal is not commensurate with theirs.
EVERYONE here has been so supportive of me, because although it looked like "
only" fourteen pounds it was hard as hell for me to get them off...especially the last five. The members here have treated me no different from anyone else...my diary has over a thousand posts and I'm not sure how many pages, showing that members will embrace you regardless of your goal.
Please don't misunderstand me, I want to be clear that I'm not saying this isn't a great little place you have here, only that the members of this forum will embrace you and encourage you whether your goal is 5 lbs or 500...they are
great people and if it weren't for them I would
never have gotten my weight off. They kept my spirit lifted when the world was beating me down and when I was beating myself down. All I'm saying is...don't be afraid to venture out into the openess of the forum, they
WILL embrace you, kick you in the butt when you need it and always
LOVE you.
Best of luck to everyone...and I will try my best to remember to come in here and check on all of you! You can do it...there will be good days and bad days, but slow and steady wins the race.