Weight-Loss 2013 Pushup Challenge



Sport and Exercise Coach
Staff member
The Challenge: Complete 20,103 Pushups in 2013!

This goal is attainable by almost anyone. It averages out to about 55 pushups a day.......5 or 10 here and there throughout the day and you've got it!!

There are no 'winners' other than anyone and everyone who meets the challenge over the course of the year ahead!

Pushups Includes variations: Regular push-up, Divebomber, Clap, Diamond, Close Grip, Wide Arm, staggered, Step-up, three point, incline, decline, rotation, one hand, wall pushups and if your adventurous hand stand pushups (against a wall or free standing)

post your daily pushups and your running total for the year.

starts 1/1/2013

Clap Push-Up:
10 reps
10 reps
20 reps
Diamond Push-Up:
10 reps
10 reps

Daily Total: 60
Year Total: 60
What the heck...I'm going to give it a go (although starting slowly and building up through the year). I managed 10 today (knee/half pressups I'm afraid) but will do more tomorrow!
30 reps
20 reps
20 reps
20 reps
20 reps
20 reps

Today: 130
Year: 190
Cool-I am working on my upper body strength so this can help motivate me. Did my new record of 15 reps x 3 sets and then 12 reps and another 10-regular pushups.

Total for day/year: 67
30 reps
30 reps
30 reps
30 reps
30 reps
10 reps

Today: 160
Year: 350
Well, I managed three whole pushups yesterday. These things are taking a lot of out of me, I'm really surprised that people manage such high numbers.
I'll do better today, though. I'll just have to figure out a system to them.
it takes time but as your weight loss progresses and you get better at pushups, you will see your number go up :)
Today: 75
Year: 222

And it does take time to build up to it mrxian. Went from barely being able to manage 5 pushups to now doing 15 reps in a couple of months. Checking that I had the right form really helped - there are lots of videos and sites that can help you with this. Also, planks and ab work help strengthen your shoulders and core and prepare you... Keep it up!
Yesterday: 3
Total : 6.

Yeah, I'm posting in the morning, so I use yesterday instead of today. I'll be trying to get to 6 at least today, though I probably should do a few small sets through the day to get those muscles growing.
For those of you interested in having a regimented program for this, this is a great great website ive been using for the past month:

Its essentially an 8 wek plan designed to get you from no push ups to 100 consecutive ones. It's amazing, because the progress you make is very visual (i.e. you do more and more every time). i started being able to do 40, and I'm no up to 70, but my dad is also doing it, and he's up to 40 after only managing 6 to begin with. You can also do it with any style of press up.

I'm not affiliated with the site or anything, it's just been very useful to me!
Ha, I did 10 of these yesterday then plopped on the floor and thought "20103...what the hell was I thinking?" lol but I began to feel sensations in muscles I forgot I had and it felt good. It reminded me that there is some muscle under all this fluff. My goal is to triple that number today!

I can actually do 0 push-ups. I will not front.

My goal is to be able to do at least 5 consecutive push-ups in a day by January 31st. If I can manage that, I will try to add at least 5 more to my goal, and this is to do 10 by the end of February, and continue onward until I reach 60 in a day whether it be consecutively or broken in parts.