This was a very cool competition. It's kinda' like the Highland Games in that it's unlike any other sport. It's also very sport-specific training needed to fair well. Unfortunately it wasn't as well organized as it could've been. Also due to the near stupid rain we had, the guy organizing moved it to a cement platform which was stupidly far away from the crowd. As such, very few pics were really gotten. I'll be checking to see if one of my fellow thrower's wife got some pics later today.
I tried to get some motion shots, but my camera phone sucks and they all came out blurry. I did okay...I was still nursing a sprained ankle which sucked on the sprinting portions and the ending of the farmers walk.
I do have a pic of me with the tire on my desktop...if anyone can tell me how to put it up when it's saved on the computer, that would be cool.