130's Club

Thanks Koko!
Aaaah nevermind vicincali2.. you’re only JUST back.. and you’re not back in that much :) keep up the good work!
Hey guys! Really excited this is my first appearance in this club! Today I weighed in at 138.5. I had a baby 2.5 years ago and it’s been a VERY slow climb to get back to my pre-baby weight....but here I come! 125 is my long-term goal, but happy to be making progress!
The only change I made was fasting and doing IF and mostly OMAD. The weight of course comes off easy for the first couple days.

Also not eating crap in the morning and no creamer. So that’s a big change from me. Plus I’ve added in drinking water. Drinking less diet soda.

I suffer from binging and purging. It’s been about a week since I stopped. And I’m doing great with the fasting. Every day is a struggle to not purge. The temptations are always there. So I’m eating cleaner.

Exercise wise. I’m trying to get 5k steps everyday. I’ll do more when I lose more weight. Walking at the lake. I find I eat more when I exercise.
It is true that exercise makes people hungrier. I like the plan to increase exercise after you've lost more.

I am sorry to hear you suffer from binging and purging. If you ever want to talk about that in further detail, like if there are emotional issues involved, please let us know.
Wow, congratulations! I´m only waving from behind the window as this is not a club I´ll ever belong to but kudos to you!