I'm finally under the 100 lb to go mark - unless i change my goal weight...
I'm over 100 down so lemme tell you it can be done if you're ready to do it...
i believe the phrase that we've coined around here - that's been working for me
the no crappy food plan (not that i ever ate fast food before.. )
but i've stuck to non-processed foods - in reasonable portions (Portions were my downfall before) and i am almost obsessive abouot weighing and measuring everything now and recording everything to keep me honest.
1200 is definitely too low - start at 1800 for a few weeks and see how you do -
there's a bunchof really good threads around on the topic of not starving yourself -and 1200 is pretty close to starving..
I tried mini goals and it did' wotk for me - I had milestones.. that I want4ed to reach but never reset the back to 0 with goals - you really have to do what's best for you... and what keeps you going...Has anyone had success with just making mini goals - like just 10 or 20#s at a time?
i could be totally wrong, but i'm under the assumption that the loose skin comes from lack of time for the skin to adjust; or rather - losing weight too quickly and not giving the skin time to adjust with it. i don't know though.
I think the lose skin is from rapid weight loss- most of the severly overweight who have the gastric bypass surgery wind up with looose skin, because they drop weight so quickly...
I think if a person loses weight in a less invasive manner, their skin will have time to shrink and adapt...