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A Tribute to MARKO

Bump this forward: (I haven't forgotten, Brotha and Sista's)

EDIT: I am adding in the posts and links for convenience. I will eventually get all posts and links in. So please pardon the incompleteness for now, its not finished. All links are within the COL ONLY

I plan to make several more posts in tribute to:

1. Protein Boy (Jon)-Done

Tribute Poem: 1,319
Tribute Post: 1,036

Several more to Link

2. SpicyPumkin--Done Post: 1,556

Post 1,321
Also posted a "thoughts for the day" Post: 1,065

Several more to link

3. Beth-Done Post: 1,337, 1,338

Tribute Poem: 1,320

Several more to link

4. AMP-Done Post: 1,339

More to Link

5. The FFer-Done Post:1,340:1,341

I have done several posts for the FF'er and will locate and edit in the links.

He also stepped in and posted a "thoughts for the day" post: 1,470

6. Jackie-Done Post: 1365

Post 1,573

Several more to Link

7. Sparrow--Done Post: 1,367:

8.CCR--Wants another one ;) Post: 1,372

CCR also wrote a "thoughts for the day" Post 1,164:

9.Derwyddon (Sarah) Done Post 1,991

Derwyddon also stepped in and made a "thoughts for the day" post: 1,502

10.Phate-Done Post: 2,069

Several more to Link

11. Stingo

12. Nae82 DONE: Post: 1,383

13. Dallen
15. George
16. Lei
17. Phil
18. BSL

BSL also has taken time to post "thoughts for the day" Post 2,393

19. RWS (Refined Wisdom and Spirit)
20. EVO
21. Mreik
22. LV
23. TM
24. Malkore
25. Deschain
26. Smithmachine
27. Streamline
28. Def
29. g8r80
30. Marko--NEXT
31. Kraken

32. Calorie Busten Furnace, GOOCH DONE Post 2,386

33. [Focus]
34. KittyHartman26
35. Lost
36. JokersWild
37. Shellsy21
38. Spartan300
39. NBS4Life
40. Wrangell :)

41. Woodt

Woodt also made a "thoughts for the day" post (Number One): 1,496

Woodt also made a "thoughts for the day" post (Number Two): 1,050

More to Link

42. MarkMyWords
43. BigTom
Chillens Home Training Equipment:

The Equipment I use to Train With: Post: 1,773

And I will add others. If you want to be added, please let me know or if you want something specific, let me know too.

They will not be "necessarily" in the order listed.


:) :) :) :) :)

Marko has been a member of the forum since December 2006.

For those that dont know Marko or would like to wish him well while he takes "the walk" toward his goal, can check out his Journal here:

Take time to visit his journal, I am sure he would appreciate all the support and encouragement.

A Tribute to MARKO

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Attaining a New Level

It's easy to say 'no!' when there's a deeper 'yes!' burning inside.


Introducing Marko:

1. Highly Motivated and Results-driven personal performer that is able to pull the internal trigger eliciting talents to smash all adversity to bring never before scene knowledge and "steaming hot" wisdom in this knowledge.

Motivation that goes beyond scientific boundaries of understanding.

Advanced and Motivated Wisdom beyond scientific belief.

MARKO is the CHEIF THEIF of stealing passion from within and thus eliminating all GRIEF. And, this will be not be BRIEF.

2. Supreme confidence and determination coupled with burning passion permently stamped on the heart, invades Markos mental market, providing solution orientated and top ranked problem solving skills, that personally reveals: A self assured, self motivated, self reliant, self starting, and extremely invincible internal charactor that reveals:

All the Secrets of the Self. (A.S.S.)

Thus revealing the absolute THUNDERING POWER of being: An A.S.S.:)

Sometimes being an ASS is POWERFUL! :)

Truly MARKO has an ASS like no other.......:)

3. Marko has fine tuned and fired up: The 5 D's to everything in life:

Determination, Dedication, Desire, Discipline, and Drive.

With these as my friends, anything is possible

(by Marko)

4. Marko has the "Internal Tree":

Dont let your knowledge and understanding of diet and training sit under a shady tree.

Let your eyes look upward into the tree.

What do you see?

Limbs with branches and leaves taking in the sunlight.

You remove the leaves, the sunlight will warm you, and the sun will shine on you brightly.

Remove the barriers and obstacles to bring in the sunlight and allow your goal to warm your face.

Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted... unbidden... it will stir... open its jaws and howl.......MARKO!

It speaks to us... guides us... passion rules us all, and we obey--YES YOU DO, MARKO!

Passion is the source of our finest moments.

The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion maybe we'd know some kind of peace... but we would be hollow... Empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passion we'd be truly dead.---And, MARKO is AWAKENED WITHIN!

(Modified by Chillen, Whedon)

The way you "think" about your situation largely determines whether you will do anything about it and what you will do.

Let the love flow within you for your goal, MARKO!

You deserve the ultimate THRILL ride: Earning your goal.

The more you feed your weaknesses the stronger the growth of those and simular weaknesses, and your strengths crumble under your feet and will not be able to defend you--Chillen

But, MARKO......You have no weaknesses.........DO YOU, brotha?!

Look inward in yourself and expose the impulses that trigger your fruits and thus give yourself the olive branch to being successful--Chillen

Best wishes

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Bump this forward: (I haven't forgotten, Brotha and Sista's)

EDIT: I am adding in the posts and links for convenience. I will eventually get all posts and links in. So please pardon the incompleteness for now, its not finished. All links are within the COL ONLY

I plan to make several more posts in tribute to:

1. Protein Boy (Jon)-Done

Tribute Poem: 1,319
Tribute Post: 1,036

Several more to Link

2. SpicyPumkin--Done Post: 1,556

Post 1,321
Also posted a "thoughts for the day" Post: 1,065

Several more to link

3. Beth-Done Post: 1,337, 1,338

Tribute Poem: 1,320

Several more to link

4. AMP-Done Post: 1,339

More to Link

5. The FFer-Done Post:1,340:1,341

I have done several posts for the FF'er and will locate and edit in the links.

He also stepped in and posted a "thoughts for the day" post: 1,470

6. Jackie-Done Post: 1365

Post 1,573

Several more to Link

7. Sparrow--Done Post: 1,367:

8.CCR--Wants another one ;) Post: 1,372

CCR also wrote a "thoughts for the day" Post 1,164:

9.Derwyddon (Sarah) Done Post 1,991

Derwyddon also stepped in and made a "thoughts for the day" post: 1,502

10.Phate-Done Post: 2,069

Several more to Link

11. Stingo

12. Nae82 DONE: Post: 1,383

13. Dallen
15. George
16. Lei
17. Phil
18. BSL

BSL also has taken time to post "thoughts for the day" Post 2,393

19. RWS (Refined Wisdom and Spirit)
20. EVO
21. Mreik
22. LV
23. TM
24. Malkore
25. Deschain
26. Smithmachine
27. Streamline
28. Def
29. G8R80--is NEXT
30. Kraken--is NEXT

31. Calorie Busten Furnace, GOOCH DONE Post 2,386

32. [Focus]
33. KittyHartman26
34. Lost
35. JokersWild
36. Shellsy21
37. Spartan300
38. NBS4Life
39. Wrangell :)

40. Woodt

Woodt also made a "thoughts for the day" post (Number One): 1,496

Woodt also made a "thoughts for the day" post (Number Two): 1,050

Various more to Link

41. GreenhornGal.
42. MrDevine.
44. BigTom
45. MarkMyWords
46. BigTom
47. Marko--DONE Post 2,592:
Chillens Home Training Equipment:

The Equipment I use to Train With: Post: 1,773

And I will add others. If you want to be added, please let me know or if you want something specific, let me know too.

They will not be "necessarily" in the order listed.

The all powerful, all knowing, and unmistakable Kraken and g8r80 (Richard) are next........

Best regards,

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That would be me :rolleyes: Happy Anniversary!

Have a good anniversary Chill! ;)

Nah, I was in 1st grade :yelrotflmao:

Have a great 26th anniversary, I'll make it to that day too. 7 for me so far.

Have a great anniversary! :) I'm not one of them there youngsters you mentioned. We'll be celebrating 21 years in October. :)

Thank you! Its not until April 26th though.......And, I have something very special planned for the Mrs......he, he......

Good a few days......LOL....

Again, thank you!

Best wishes

Hey man iv`e finally broke the 180lbs mark.

I weighed myself today and came in at 179lbs lightest for over 10 years.

Thats a total loss of 8lbs in 4 weeks:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

The incentive is really there now.

just a recap chill my target is set for the 10th of june thats only 6 weeks and 3 days:eek:
once again thanks for your support man
Hey man iv`e finally broke the 180lbs mark.

I weighed myself today and came in at 179lbs lightest for over 10 years.

Thats a total loss of 8lbs in 4 weeks:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

The incentive is really there now.

just a recap chill my target is set for the 10th of june thats only 6 weeks and 3 days:eek:
once again thanks for your support man

Keep a keen eye on your calorie intake from this point forward. Know your deficits (a very close approximation) in the event a plateau hits, you can use this data along with your routine data--TO BREAK IT.

One can use their history, and then manipulate calories and manipulate certain elements in their routine to bring the spark back in tissue loss--AND DO NOT FORGET THIS.

Congrats on the TISSUE LOSS, my friend!


Okay.....6 weeks......BUH......this is nothing to an ASS.......;)

Best wishes,

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My 26th Wedding anniversary was yesterday, and the Mrs. and I had a great time together.

I had some things planned, but our boys (men. lol) had thrown a wrench in the mix, by coming over unexpectedly, and wanting to take us to a well known restaurant in Kansas City and we had a good time: It was very special.

For those that dont know, my 19 year old, just moved out last month to go on his own, while attending KU. So the Mrs and I are left alone after all these years--with the exception of taking care of my wife's mother which is living with us.

It is very strange around the house. It will take a while to get used to.

Best regards,

I've been married since last July, so coming up on a year.

Here's a pic:

Congrats, Steve! Wish you the best in your marriage.

I have felt the "thunder" of a great woman for 26 years. Nothing replaces having a soul mate.

Considering all of her medical complications, much less have put people down; she has more depth of determination in her little pinky than most have in them in general.

PSMF is really a starvation diet first used by obesity docs to cut the max amount of weight in the fastest time possible for surgery. Lyle has modified it a bit but in essence, it's basically giving your body ONLY what it needs and nothing else.

We know what's essential; some of the amino acids and fatty acids. So basically, you eat a **** ton of protein (for muscle maintenance since you're in such a big deficit), a lot of fish oil pills (to get your EFAs in) and fibrous veggies.

Nothing else.

The science behind it isn't complicated... but it's a pretty grueling diet.

There's more to it than that... such as refeeds and whatnot but I'm sure you get the point.

Within the PSMF diet you lost 7 pounds, and now are on the McDonald Diet. How long have you been on this diet? Did you go straight into the McDonald diet after stopping the PSMF?

I am curious to your calorie intake prior to you starting the PSMF.

I assume you were bulking and taking in a surplus for a period of time before going on this diet, is this correct?

If this is true, do you think your body was primed (so-to-speak) to react rather strongly entering into the PSMF which created rather large deficits as compared to your previous history of surpluses?

If you dont mind me asking, how much tissue are you wanting to lose? What are your personal goals?

Best regards,

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That's good to hear, DevilRat! :)

How are your fitness plans coming along?

What are your goals if you dont mind me asking?

Best wishes


Well, my fitness plans are in existence now, so that progress.

I'm not really sure what my ultimate goals are. First I want to drop about 40 pounds and then I'll see what direction I want to go with it, whether it's just to lean up and stay healthy or to start packing on muscle.

I'm struggling with my diet atm. According to the calculations, I'm taking in around 1000-1200 calories less than maintenance, but I'm eating more than I ever have. Couple that with the fact that I'm not sure what I should be eating as a post work out "meal," as most of my workouts take place at around midnight due to work.

All in all, these are just details that need to be worked out. And I rambled on much longer than anticipated, but thanks for asking. Later.
What's this?! They move out?!!! When did this start happening, and why hasn't my son heard of this?!!!! ;) :)

Glad to hear the anniversary went well. :beerchug:

I am going through a minor bout of "leaving the nest" syndrome, lol. :)

But, he is prepared, has a good job, and is a 3/4 time student at KU, and most importantly, has his head screwed on correctly. He wants to experience some freedom, and he has the "tools" within him to get it done.

He is leaving a bit "early" considering some responsibilities in his life, IMO, but we are supporting his decision.

How old is your son?

How many children do you have?

Best regards,

That's a big adjustment I bet, hell I don't know how I'll handle taking my son to preschool this fall. I'll probably be one of those parents who bawls his eyes out
How are your goals coming along Chillen? What's your BF at now do ya think?

They are going fantastic, I have no complaints! :)

I am sitting right on top of 8% (Actually I was exactly 8.0, lol), and this week I am changing some things in my diet (carb wise), to facilitate some minor tissue loss this coming 5 to 10 days--to drop below the threshold, and I started this yesterday, and this will bring me to the crest of the scheduled over MT Line eat period on the 11th day.

I had a minor shoulder injury (left) that set me back on my training a couple of weeks ago, and I had to lay off the weights for just over a week. When I went back, it was like I never missed a day and shoulder is currenly feeling fantastic! The lay off did alot of good--though I didnt really want to do it, it was the best thing to do. I do practice what I preach on the forum ;) :D

I have increased my max bench to 350. Weight is still 160-161 (in morning weigh, and I can flex to about 165 during the day).

I love the feeling of being lean, and will not bulk again.

Currently, I am doing a pyramid training on all body parts including the ab core with some supersets in-between.

I only train the tri and the bi once per week, and when I switched to training the bi's once per week, they have taken off like a rocket. ;)

The rest I do three times per week (knowing that the tri and bi get some indirect work). I used to do a split, but now I am doing a full body routine, where I would just leave off the bi or tri (direct work) from the FBW, and then schedule them in a once per week on a progressive schedule.

Any hoot, that is a very "brief" synopsis.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I do cardio in the AM and PM. If you want I can list the entire routine including cardio. Cardio can vary, and can go up to 4 times a day, dependent, on some diet and activity factors present.


And, thank you for asking young man!
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