Actually, Chillen, I don't do the dead lift or true squats because I haven't take the time to learn how to do them without hurting myself. Hack squats use a padded support to remove any risk of injury to neck or back. As for lunges, they flat out hurt, man, and it is hard to fit them in on days that I am not cycling, doing hack squats, or recovering from either. But, I respect your opinion on abs. Now, when I add ab work, I'll have to add the antagonistic muscle exercise as well, right? What, specifically antagonizes the abs? Lower back? What exercises do you recommend for that?
Deciding to do ab work is a function of what you what from them when you ask that question.
When I went after them, I wanted them to be strong and look good. So I WASNT in it just for.....vanity--I just wanted BOTH. (though I didnt train for endurance, I still can do over 600 situps without stopping)
With this in mind, you could go without doing direct ab work dependent on your goals.
What ever you decide, the ab/torso does get worked very good with the deadlift and squat. But this ISNT----the---reason to include them. These two lifts our BEASTS on overall-----MASS AND STRENGTH---this is the TRUE reason to include them.
I owe ALOT of my torso strength and appearance to the Deadlift and Squat.
Getting proper form on the deadlift is simply a matter of reading on it and viewing videos, and taking very light weight (at first) and performing the exercise with the intent on getting form down.
In addition, you dont have to go heavy. You can slowly and methodically work your way UP according to what your body is allowing and telling you.
With the deadlift the main thing is to keep the back straight and the head UP as you bend at the knees and grasp the bar.
I harp on this excercise because its a beast (and in fact works the torso a great deal), and you can just work with it slowly-------and smart----and it could work for you.
You can approach the squat in the same manner. Outside of physical limitations, you are in my opinion, doing a disservice to yourself not including them in your routine: where there is WILL there is a way.
Hanging Leg Raises and Hyperextensions (pretty dang tough).
I also recommend: Crunches/Weighed Crunches. Half-up sit-ups (weighted)
(30 degrees).
Best wishes to you my friend,