It isnt complicated, and a new person can follow it, and it follows the KISS principle, quite well.
Again,( in most cases ) you tend to know your stuff and you certainly are entitled to your opinion. Fair enough.
Mine simply differs from yours in this particular case. I simply disagree with you Chillen on this rather minor point - nothing more. And, obtaining varied opinions on topics are what forums like this one are all about.
Again, I simply don't find this ' zig zag ' the ' only ' - and certainly the most appropriate and simplest - approach for most newbies for reasons I've already explained.
I am not gonna debate this with you. It will work for him, and its SIMPLE enough to use and can fit him quite well, lets not under estimate his ability, shall we. IMO
There are simpler approaches that achieve the same results IMO. That's all I'm saying.
No one is questioning his ability. He can do certainly do this ' zig zag ' if he wants to. Would it be my advice ? No.
This is my last post to you. Im not about to bring a debate of opinion in a persons journal.
I'm not looking for a debate with you - if I was, I would have responded to your posts directly. I'm simply giving him my opinion based on my 30+ years in the gym and countless forays into gaining mass, losing fat etc. etc. during that time. And on this rather minor point, we have different opinions - fair enough. We agree to disagree - nothing wrong with that at all .
Its flat doesnt belong here, but since you cant stand having some else have the last word, Im sure you will respond. But lets end....before it gets a good start. I would appreciate this Wrangell. Thank you.
Frankly, I think you're over reacting a bit and making a mountain out of a molehill. We simply simply agree to disagree on one rather minor particular point pertaining to his desire to cut fat. You're not wrong , I'm not wrong - we simply have different advice to to offer.
Again, this a very minor point and not worthy of any more discussion IMO. Before anything,( and I'm sure we would both agree ) this guy need to learn how to track the calories he consumes and expends and to track grams of macronutrients etc. etc. - otherwise - any advice you and I give him on this point will be a waste of time.
That said, getting differing opinions for members is always a good thing. You are going to have accept the fact that not everyone may agree with your advice 100% of the time....something I learned ( the hard way ) a long time ago.