Snorkles- six pack abs goal. Journal

I entered this site to see my calorie needs everyday:

on a moderately active option it told me I need- 2527 cals per day
on a very active option it told me I need- 2864cals per day


But again, if you think it is relevant to calculate your BMR, daily maintenance calories etc. etc. then you have to be able to determine - as best you can - how many calories you actually consume each day. Determining how many of those calories come from carbs, protein and fat would be helpful as well.

Do some analysis at the end of the day today and calculate an estimate of how many calories you took in today.
If you can track the portion size/amounts (and then use computer for totals on calories and break down of carbs-fat-protein) even for one week, it'll give you a perspective on just how much you are eating. You can learn how to eyeball/judge after only a short period of time. But it can be surprising the first time you realize what 50 grams of breakfast cereal or 8 ounces of fish looks like. Without amounts, there is no way for anyone to know if you are eating enough, yourself included!

Oh, and I second the confusion on how eating fat-free cheese counts as a fat...
ok it may be my mistake then. what is fat free chesse counted as than mate? and what fats apart from olive oil can I take.

as for the cereal I fill in a fat free yogurt cup. that's all. I know that I am eating enough because none of the people eat like me or feel like me after they eat. people are normally filled with two large steak portions and a large bowl of salad but Im not. I am not complianing or anything, Id prefer it like this and keep my current body I am just annoyed that I am a bit abnormal. During this summer I stopped for a week (i went to a holiday) and there I eat literalley everything I could have eat (only gained 1kg though) and that is what I call filled. I'd use to have 3-4 full plates of chicken/meat/corn/pasta/rice along with fruit. For me to be full and satisfied I have to "pig out" as they say it. whilst people accomodate with a 2 course meal at a restaurant. hehe.
what I eat today: (i will check on fitday about details later) but does this look good?

breakfast 7am- special k + pear+ 2 egg whites
10am- apple+ veg. salad with turkey slices
1pm- veg salad with can of tuna
preworkout 4pm- fat free yogurt, 25 almonds
Fullbody workout + abs
6pm- 5 medium sized chicken breast pieces + large veg salad.
8.30pm- 3 small chicken breast pieces + apple

11pm. sleep.
Go here and read on one implentation on the Zig-Zag:

Its geared toward a female, but it can be adjusted for a male.

And here for SIMPLE calculator for Zig-Zag (based on a multiplier approach to dieting, rather than Bendict)

AND Dr. Squat (LOL):

Zigzag dieting, also known as the shifting calories method or calorie cycling, is one healthy and effective way to lose fat tissue.

There are persons who have used this method of eating and this type of dieting can work for "practically" everyone who wants to lose weight... not just people who want to add bulk

There are many reasons for this.

The first reason is because nothing is restricted in this way of eating. People don't need to cut out carbohydrates, for example, or eliminate any type of food group.

Dieters can eat whatever they want, as long as they stay within their (liberal) calorie allotments.

The second reason that this works so well is because of the psychological effects it can create.

Most people, when on a diet, feel as if they're neglected and restricted. With zigzag dieting, calories are changed on a daily basis (not always but it can be).

For example, someone might have to eat 1500 calories one day, and then 2000 the next. Because of these "cheat days", people are much more apt to stay on the diet since they always have something to look forward to.
A third reason that zigzag dieting works so well is that the constant calorie change is almost "fooling" the body (in a healthy way).

With other diets, the body learns to adapt to the new way of eating. For example, with very reduced calorie diets, the body can adjust and then maintain/operate at that caloric level and weight loss can plateau.

With zigzag dieting, however, the body can never adjust since calories are changed so frequently. Therefore, every single time someone goes from high calorie to low calorie, they lose can lose weight--and if done right gain weight
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Yes, I did and it works. I changed things around my own MT line, and incorporated other calorie manipulations along the way, but it was used as a base, because my calories per day, though in deficit were never the same, and I allowed a minor surplus from time to time. My body NEVER new (and still doesnt know) what calories I am going to consume.......and it works for me at least.

what I eat today: (i will check on fitday about details later) but does this look good?

breakfast 7am- special k + pear+ 2 egg whites
10am- apple+ veg. salad with turkey slices
1pm- veg salad with can of tuna
preworkout 4pm- fat free yogurt, 25 almonds
Fullbody workout + abs
6pm- 5 medium sized chicken breast pieces + large veg salad.
8.30pm- 3 small chicken breast pieces + apple

11pm. sleep.

As I said before, run the numbers and get back to us on what your daily intake of calories is - as well as your intake of fat, carb and protein grams. In fact, track your caloric intake for 7 days in a row and see what the average is - that may even be more meaningful in terms of where your maintenance levels tends to gravitate toward.

Also, you need to determine how many calories you burn during respective exercises you do - either by adjusting your maintenance calorie calcs or by determining actual calories burned per exercise.

Again, unless you can nail down a very good estimate of the calories you're burning by exercise each day and the calories you're consuming , things like a zig zag diet plan for a newbie like you is a suboptimal approach IMO.
thanks a lot for the reference links chillen!. did you use this diet to cut may I ask you?

Your welcome. Now, if you have Yahoo, and we can talk one on one, I can be on 2morrow, and we can discuss some particulars.

If Implemented correctly, this form of diet can work (I am proof of it), and in your composition state at the moment, I think its best, and Im not about to debate its usefullness, with anyone.

And, I think we have the importance of the ALMIGHTY calorie V Exercise....understood....LOL.......Goes without even stating...(as it had already been hashed to death by me, and he understands this) IMO
hi, I just visited and with the food i eat today which is :

( breakfast 7am- special k + pear+ 2 egg whites
10am- apple+ veg. salad with turkey slices
1pm- veg salad with can of tuna
preworkout 4pm- fat free yogurt, 25 almonds
Fullbody workout + abs
6pm- 5 medium sized chicken breast pieces + large veg salad.
8.30pm- 3 small chicken breast pieces + apple)

, calculated that I eat about 4000 cals. what the hell? My breakfast was already 634cals.. and my preworkout (yogurt fat free and 20almonds) amounted to 1037 cals!!!!

Is there a way I can calculate more "realistic" amounts mate. I feel a bit angry fir this website ..I mean even the dumbest man on earth would know that a yogurt and 20 almonds wouldnt add up to over 1000 cals.

about the yahoo messenger thing, tommorow I cannot be on my pc. Do you have msn messenger?
hi, I just visited and with the food i eat today which is :

( breakfast 7am- special k + pear+ 2 egg whites
10am- apple+ veg. salad with turkey slices
1pm- veg salad with can of tuna
preworkout 4pm- fat free yogurt, 25 almonds
Fullbody workout + abs
6pm- 5 medium sized chicken breast pieces + large veg salad.
8.30pm- 3 small chicken breast pieces + apple)

, calculated that I eat about 4000 cals. what the hell? My breakfast was already 634cals.. and my preworkout (yogurt fat free and 20almonds) amounted to 1037 cals!!!!

Is there a way I can calculate more "realistic" amounts mate. I feel a bit angry fir this website ..I mean even the dumbest man on earth would know that a yogurt and 20 almonds wouldnt add up to over 1000 cals.

about the yahoo messenger thing, tommorow I cannot be on my pc. Do you have msn messenger?

Yes, I do have MSN Messenger. Its in my profile. Friday or Saturday would be good.

I dont use Fit day, so dont know what to tell ya other than to say that apparently they have their code structure wrong (syntax errors), and they have some bugs, apparently, to work out.

I tally my calories by hand in my own notebook (and then transfer to excel) and have all along. I have to have an EYE on the mighty and powerful calorie, ya know ;)

Best wishes to you my friend,

hi, I just visited and with the food i eat today which is :

, calculated that I eat about 4000 cals. what the hell? My breakfast was already 634cals.. and my preworkout (yogurt fat free and 20almonds) amounted to 1037 cals!!!!

1037 cals ?? Sounds very very suspect to me.

25 almonds ( about 1 oz ) is under 200 calories and most fat free yogurts of 1 cup ( 8 oz ) size are around 150 - 200 calories.

How much yogurt are you eating anyway ?:)

Is there a way I can calculate more "realistic" amounts mate. I feel a bit angry fir this website ..I mean even the dumbest man on earth would know that a yogurt and 20 almonds wouldnt add up to over 1000 cals.

This is why you have to do some homework on finding a source - on your own - for tracking calories ( reasonably accurately ) that works for you - and that you can trust.

You also have to figure out what your are burning in calories per exercise as best you can, otherwise these silly zig zag diets are a complete waste of time IMO.
You should know me by now, and how I approached MY diet, do you THINK I know at least the "approximated" calories burned during excercise (I thought we went over this once, IMO)---again goes without saying. And, dont even think I wont pass this on to the young man. This sort of diet has its place.

Anyway, its the OP's decision, and what ever caloric approach he chooses, I support all the way---THIS is what its about.......

Snorkles.......Keep ROCKEN!
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You should know me by now, and how I approached MY diet, do you THINK I know at least the "approximated" calories burned during excercise (I thought we went over this once, IMO)---again goes without saying.

I don't know the specifics of the particular version of your so-called ' zig-zag ' diet you seem to keep keep citing repeatedly all over this forum.

I'm referring to ' zig-zag ' diets in general when I reply to Snorkles - not yours specifically.

And, dont even think I wont pass this on to the young man. This sort of diet has its place.

Pass along what you want.

Even though this diet might have it's place ( and I even have my doubts about that ) , I don't think it is a optimal fit for newbies. Especially someone like this newbie who has no clue / experience at tracking calories, grams of macro-nutrients, weighing food and determining calories expended by various forms of exercise. He can get the same fat loss result he desires without complicating things with a silly ' zig zag' diet IMO.

Anyway, its the OP's decision, and what ever caloric approach he chooses, I support all the way---THIS is what its about.......
Snorkles.......Keep ROCKEN!

It is his decision - quite right.

I simply advocate training by the K.I.S.S. principle and training smart - especially for newbies. i.e - get the maximum results on the least amount of time in the simplest way possible. I simply think he can get the optimal fat loss results he is looking for without having to resort to a ' zig zag ' diet.

You think a ' zig zag ' diet is a good fit for this newbie at this point - I don't.

We simply agree to disagree. Fair enough.:)
It isnt complicated, and a new person can follow it, and it follows the KISS principle, quite well. I am not gonna debate this with you. It will work for him, and its SIMPLE enough to use and can fit him quite well, lets not under estimate his ability, shall we. IMO

This is my last post to you. Im not about to bring a debate of opinion in a persons journal. Its flat doesnt belong here, but since you cant stand having some else have the last word, Im sure you will respond. But lets end....before it gets a good start.

I would appreciate this Wrangell. Thank you.
Yes, I do have MSN Messenger. Its in my profile. Friday or Saturday would be good.


ok. can you add me since I didnt find your email address and would like to ask it to you publicly. I dont know when i will be on this weekend but Im sure Il be there at a time. Im in no hurry as I am being very cautios about my calorie intake (i can sense how much im eating). thanks again.
and by the way..the yogurt is 125grams only.
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It isnt complicated, and a new person can follow it, and it follows the KISS principle, quite well.

Again,( in most cases ) you tend to know your stuff and you certainly are entitled to your opinion. Fair enough.

Mine simply differs from yours in this particular case. I simply disagree with you Chillen on this rather minor point - nothing more. And, obtaining varied opinions on topics are what forums like this one are all about.:)

Again, I simply don't find this ' zig zag ' the ' only ' - and certainly the most appropriate and simplest - approach for most newbies for reasons I've already explained.

I am not gonna debate this with you. It will work for him, and its SIMPLE enough to use and can fit him quite well, lets not under estimate his ability, shall we. IMO

There are simpler approaches that achieve the same results IMO. That's all I'm saying.

No one is questioning his ability. He can do certainly do this ' zig zag ' if he wants to. Would it be my advice ? No.

This is my last post to you. Im not about to bring a debate of opinion in a persons journal.

I'm not looking for a debate with you - if I was, I would have responded to your posts directly. I'm simply giving him my opinion based on my 30+ years in the gym and countless forays into gaining mass, losing fat etc. etc. during that time. And on this rather minor point, we have different opinions - fair enough. We agree to disagree - nothing wrong with that at all .:)

Its flat doesnt belong here, but since you cant stand having some else have the last word, Im sure you will respond. But lets end....before it gets a good start. I would appreciate this Wrangell. Thank you.

Frankly, I think you're over reacting a bit and making a mountain out of a molehill. We simply simply agree to disagree on one rather minor particular point pertaining to his desire to cut fat. You're not wrong , I'm not wrong - we simply have different advice to to offer.

Again, this a very minor point and not worthy of any more discussion IMO. Before anything,( and I'm sure we would both agree ) this guy need to learn how to track the calories he consumes and expends and to track grams of macronutrients etc. etc. - otherwise - any advice you and I give him on this point will be a waste of time.:)

That said, getting differing opinions for members is always a good thing. You are going to have accept the fact that not everyone may agree with your advice 100% of the time....something I learned ( the hard way ) a long time ago.:)
, calculated that I eat about 4000 cals. what the hell? My breakfast was already 634cals.. and my preworkout (yogurt fat free and 20almonds) amounted to 1037 cals!!!!

My guess is that you entered the food, but did not adjust the quantity. Almonds default in as 1 cup, which is over 800 calories right there, then you need to adjust the quantity for how many you actually ate.

From what I have seen Fitday is pretty accurate, but if you have something where the nutrition value doesn't match or isn't on the system, you can always add it custom.

I have found Fitday to be very helpful in keeping track of calories. I know there are some other similar sites that offer similar tools, but I am not familiar with them.
ok. can you add me since I didnt find your email address and would like to ask it to you publicly. I dont know when i will be on this weekend but Im sure Il be there at a time. Im in no hurry as I am being very cautios about my calorie intake (i can sense how much im eating). thanks again.
and by the way..the yogurt is 125grams only.

So, back on topic.

How is the data collection going ?......

.....How many calories did you consume yesterday ? How many grams of fat, protein, and carbs did you consume yesterday ?

.....How do you plan to calculate the number of calories you expend on each exercise - or do you even plan on tracking that ?

Did you buy a kitchen scale yet ? :)
My guess is that you entered the food, but did not adjust the quantity. Almonds default in as 1 cup, which is over 800 calories right there, then you need to adjust the quantity for how many you actually ate.

From what I have seen Fitday is pretty accurate, but if you have something where the nutrition value doesn't match or isn't on the system, you can always add it custom.

I have found Fitday to be very helpful in keeping track of calories. I know there are some other similar sites that offer similar tools, but I am not familiar with them.

Agreed ......many many folks on this forum have nothing but great things to say about Fitday.