woke up full today

but I ate a lot of healthy fat yesterday that I wasn't used to. I had 2 pieces of flax bread (sounds gross, it was good) w/ 1T almond butter. It was yummy and didn't overly fill me. My daughter is sick today so I'm hoping my husband is going in to work at noon so I can go to the tri class. He's still sleeping, thats a good sign

I'll update later.
40 min interval run:
5 min warm up walk 1% incline
3 min base pace (5.5) increase 1% incline
1 min increase speed .2
1 min increase incline 1%
1 min increase speed .2
1 min increase incline 1%
3 min decrease back to base pace
1 min decrease pace and increase incline 5%
1 min keep pace increase incline 1%
1 min keep pace increase incline 2%
1 min increase incline 1%
1 min increase incline 2%
1 min incrase incline 1% (total incline 12% at 5.0 pace)
decrease to 0% and run comfortably 5 min
Do first part over again...you get the idea.
Abs 15 min
15 min eliptical
15 min stairs
Way heavy cardio day. The rest of the class did spinning and then swimming but i did spinning yesterday and really wanted to run so I did the workout I missed iwth them on Tuesday. I did abs with them and then did more cardio while they swam (I forgot my suit)
It all felt great. The run was challenging but not as challenging as i thought it would be. I do miss running.
B-2 pieces flax toast w/ 1T almond butter
L/postworkout-1 c soy milk, 2 scoops vanilla whey, 3/4 c raspberries blended
S-raw carrots
D- 1/2c sauteed shimp in olive oil, 1/2 c diced chicken, 2c romaine w/ balsamic and olive oil, 1/2c steamed veggies