Wer zählt sich zu den Powerliftern? Hinweiss zur Kategorisierung


New member
you might be a powerlifter if...........
-if you sniff ammonia instead of cleaning with it.
-if it takes 5 seconds for your soul to re-enter your body after deadlifting
-if you cant count past 5 but can multiply by 45 in your head
-if you are known in your gym as"the guy that wears that funny looking shirt"
-if you have ever taken ephedrine with black coffee
-if you have ever paced back and forth in front of a loaded bar before a set to intimidate
the weight
-if you check squat depth by using the toilet
-if you add protein powder to your McDonalds milk shake while still at the counter
-if you call ephedrine "vitamin E"
-if more then 5 reps per set is considered cardio
-if your favorite shirt is made of polyester, denim, or canvas and opens in the back
-if asked,how much is your power bill, you respond $30-75 per event per contest
-if the greeting "good morning" makes your lower back and hamstrins sore
-if everyone asks you if that hurts your back on ME bench day
-if asked how much do you bench, you go into great detail explaining Raw,Equiped,Gym
and meet lifts in all the different weight catagories you have ever been in
-if the doctor asks for a blood sample and you show him your shins
-if you have ever wondered why college wrestlers wear powerlifting uniforms
-if you have ever wondered about the protein content of dog food
-if you think about your next meal while still eating one
-if you have baby powder,superglue,duct tape,chalk and ammonia in your gym bag
-if you dream about lifting in the masters division when you retire instead of golf or fishing
-if you show people you hardly know the cuts and bruises under your armpits and say
"now that shirt fits great"
-if your friend say during a meal"how are you going to ever be a superheavyweight when
you eat like a 308"
-if everyone else in the gym hates you, YOU KNOW YOU ARE A POWERLIFTER

...und das trifft alles auf dich zu? :D ;)

hehe,naja man kann das im übertragenem Sinne sehen-egal wo man sitzt kann schon mal der Gedanke kommen,ob die Haltung tief genug für eine gültige Beuge wäre :p
Natürlich hat man solche Ideen als KDKler oder man macht Leerbeugen in der Toilette ...