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Bin soeben in PubMed auf folgendes gestoßen:

A single set of low intensity resistance exercise immediately following high intensity resistance exercise stimulates growth hormone secretion in men.

Goto K, Sato K, Takamatsu K.

Doctoral Program in Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.

AIM: The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of an additional set immediately following high intensity resistance exercise on growth hormone (GH) response. METHODS: Subjects (n=8) performed 4 resistance exercise protocols (bilateral knee extension exercise) on separate days. The protocols were categorized into 2 types of protocol, namely "Strength-up type (S-type)" and "Combination type (Combi-type)". The S-type was resistance exercise which consisted of 5 sets at 90% of 1 repetition maximum (RM) with 3-min rest periods between sets, whereas the Combi-type is a training protocol which adds an additional set (either 50% of 1 RM [C50-type], 70% of 1 RM [C70-type] or 90% of 1 RM [C90-type]) to the S-type. Serum GH concentration and blood lactate concentration were determined pre-exercise and at 0-60 min postexercise. Relative changes in thigh girth and maximal unilateral isometric strength were determined pre-exercise and immediately postexercise. RESULTS: The increasing values of GH concentration (DGH) in the S-type was the lowest of all protocols. On the other hand, DGH in the C50-type showed a significantly (p<0.05) higher increase than in the S-type and C90-type, and a relatively higher increase than in the C70-type. CONCLUSION: These results suggests that a high intensity, low volume training protocol to induce neural adaptation resulted in little GH response, but GH secretion was increased by performing a single set of low intensity resistance exercise at the end of a series of high intensity resistance sets.

Wahrscheinlich, dass das gar nichts neues ist. Ich hab jedenfalls hier nocht nix davon gelesen. Hört sich aber ganz interessant an. Oder ist das einfach der selbe Mechanismus, der auch beim Hypertrophie-Training zum Tragen kommt durch ein geringeres Gewicht und mehr Wh?
Was sagt ihr dazu?

mfG :D

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nosegrap77 schrieb:

Bin soeben in PubMed auf folgendes gestoßen:

A single set of low intensity resistance exercise immediately following high intensity resistance exercise stimulates growth hormone secretion in men.

Goto K, Sato K, Takamatsu K.

Doctoral Program in Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.

AIM: The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of an additional set immediately following high intensity resistance exercise on growth hormone (GH) response. METHODS: Subjects (n=8) performed 4 resistance exercise protocols (bilateral knee extension exercise) on separate days. The protocols were categorized into 2 types of protocol, namely "Strength-up type (S-type)" and "Combination type (Combi-type)". The S-type was resistance exercise which consisted of 5 sets at 90% of 1 repetition maximum (RM) with 3-min rest periods between sets, whereas the Combi-type is a training protocol which adds an additional set (either 50% of 1 RM [C50-type], 70% of 1 RM [C70-type] or 90% of 1 RM [C90-type]) to the S-type. Serum GH concentration and blood lactate concentration were determined pre-exercise and at 0-60 min postexercise. Relative changes in thigh girth and maximal unilateral isometric strength were determined pre-exercise and immediately postexercise. RESULTS: The increasing values of GH concentration (DGH) in the S-type was the lowest of all protocols. On the other hand, DGH in the C50-type showed a significantly (p<0.05) higher increase than in the S-type and C90-type, and a relatively higher increase than in the C70-type. CONCLUSION: These results suggests that a high intensity, low volume training protocol to induce neural adaptation resulted in little GH response, but GH secretion was increased by performing a single set of low intensity resistance exercise at the end of a series of high intensity resistance sets.

Wahrscheinlich, dass das gar nichts neues ist. Ich hab jedenfalls hier nocht nix davon gelesen. Hört sich aber ganz interessant an. Oder ist das einfach der selbe Mechanismus, der auch beim Hypertrophie-Training zum Tragen kommt durch ein geringeres Gewicht und mehr Wh?
Was sagt ihr dazu?

mfG :D


hallo alex,
das wäre die erklärung auf den ersten blick. aber wenn man nicht das IGF-1 misst, hat es keine aussagekraft bzgl. des anabolen effekts. HGH ist nämlich zu "schnelllebig". diese studie würde meine "abwärtspyramide" bestätigen :), aber, wie gesagt, die bestimmung des HGH-serumspiegels als gradmesser für die effizienz eines krafttrainings ist meiner meinung nach nicht seriös. die methodik dieser studie ist kritikwürdig. außerdem sollte man sich überlegen, worum es geht: um die hypertrophie oder um die kraft? ich weiß nicht, welche schlussfolgerung ich aus dieser studie ziehen soll. welche relevanz für die trainingspraxis hat sie?

gruß, kurt
Ich als Laie hab mir einfach gedacht:...

... Cool, das heißt, dass die Hormonausschüttung steigt wenn man nach dem Maxkraft-Training noch einen leichteren Satz anhängt, das ist ja eine sehr einfache Methode vielleicht einen kleinen Benefit zu erreichen.

Danke für deine Rückmeldung Kurt!


Alex (den heute so ein komischer ziehender Rückenschmerz im Hüftbereich plagt und deshalb das Training heute lieber sein läßt. Muss mich wohl "verlegt" haben. :) )