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Hier mal ein Interview von Rippetoe auf TNation (zur Erinnerung: sein Trainingsplan ist auch hier zu finden
T NATION | Most Lifters are Still Beginners
Besonders der vorletzte Abschnitt übers Six-Pack ist göttlich ^^
"I've seen guys gain ten pounds a week when they first get with the program," says Rip, "provided they aren't one of these snot-nosed little bastards that thinks visible abs is the be-all and end-all of athleticism and getting laid."

T NATION | Most Lifters are Still Beginners
Besonders der vorletzte Abschnitt übers Six-Pack ist göttlich ^^
"I've seen guys gain ten pounds a week when they first get with the program," says Rip, "provided they aren't one of these snot-nosed little bastards that thinks visible abs is the be-all and end-all of athleticism and getting laid."