des tat ma grod föhn...
hochschulprof...waun hätt i denn do a zeit fia meine wirrn gedaunkngänge?oba die kohle wär a argument
hob wos wegn dem artikel gsuacht,find oba nix...
(is scho klor,zwenig versuchskarnikl usw,oba hätt mi trotzdem interessiert..)
wie gesogt,i hob beide methoden probiert,hob den eindruck das beim schnölodn mehr aussakummt...
What’s the best dosage pattern to get the most from creatine supplementation?
To me, this was probably the most exciting research presented at the entire conference. Although tons of research has demonstrated creatine’s muscle building, performance enhancing effects, very few studies have examined the absorption and assimilation properties of creatine once it has been taken.
To exert its muscle growth and performance enhancing effects, creatine must accumulate within muscle. This study is the first to assess the pharmacokinetics of oral creatine intake and provide information on what may be the most effective way to consume creatine to increase muscle creatine stores.
Adam Persky from the University of Florida examined the blood responses of six healthy males after they consumed a one-off dose of creatine and a six-day loading phase with creatine. The doses used in this research equated to around 5 grams per dose for a 70 kilogram male, the loading phase consisted of four doses per day. Adam and his colleagues assessed blood creatine kinetics using HPLC method and calculated blood clearance rates, volume of distribution and accumulation within the body.
The data obtained on these six men demonstrated that a one-off dose of creatine is cleared out of the body rather quickly (within a couple of hours), before any chance of uptake within muscle can occur. Repeated dosing reduced creatine clearance rates and increased volume and distribution rates of creatine. This suggests that effective creatine accumulation within the body only occurs from frequent, repeated doses. This data suggests that a loading phase, using frequent doses throughout the day, is needed for creatine accumulation within muscle.
Dr. Persky was the first to acknowledge that this data was obtained from only a small number of subjects and much more work is needed. However, it appears that a once-a-day dose of creatine may not provide much of a chance for muscle creatine stores to increase. Several smaller, more frequent doses maybe the best way to enhance creatine accumulation within muscle.