Rear Delt Row with Band

Exercise Tube or Band Back Back: Lower Core Lats Shoulder: Rear Trapezius: Middle

Similar to the dumbbell row exercise.


  1. Start with tube securely under both feet, knees slightly bent, torso forward, and hands grasping each handle of the band.

  2. Exhale and pull your elbows up toward the ceiling, keeping them away from your body. Hold for 2 seconds when elbows are parallel with shoulders.

  3. Inhale and release back to start position for one rep.
  4. Recommended reps: 10-12 to start and increase as you progress. can not be held responsible for any injuries which may occur as a result of these exercises, advice or recipes displayed on this website. Do not undertake any exercise program, diet or treatment provided by the site without professional or qualified supervision.