Push Up on BOSU

BOSU Chest Shoulder: Front Triceps

The traditional push-up is taken even further by using the BOSU. Just like a regular push-up, your triceps and pectorals get a good work out, but by adding the balancing component of the BOSU, you are now working your core and stabilizers even further.


  1. Begin with your hands placed in the middle of an upside down BOSU, thumbs of each hand as well as index fingers touching to create a triangle. Arms straight holding up your weight, feet together and out-stretched behind, body straight.

  2. Inhale as you slowly lower yourself into a push-up position by bending your arms and keeping your body straight. Return to the straight arm position, exhaling as you do so and repeat.

  3. Suggested reps: 3 sets of 8-10 reps to start.
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