Hip Extensions with Straight Knee

Exercise Mat Buttocks Hip Stabilizers

This exercise is great for working the glutes (buttocks).


  1. Start this exercise off on a mat on your hands and knees.

  2. Bring your right knee toward your chest. Hold for 2 seconds.

  3. Point your toes and slowly push your right leg straight behind your body and squeeze your glutes. Tighten your abdominals and do not let your low back 'sag' at all during this movement. Hold for 2 seconds. Switch legs to complete one rep.

  4. Recommended reps: 3-5 per leg. Tighten your abdominals and do not let your low back 'sag' at all during this movement. Your hips and shoulders should stay square with the floor at all times. This exercise is great for working the glutes (buttocks). It can also help you strengthen your core if you focus on tightening your abs and keeping your back perfectly still.
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