
Exercise Mat Back Back: Lower Buttocks Core Hamstrings Hip Stabilizers

This exercise focuses on working the buttocks and thigh muscles.


  1. Start this exercise by lying flat on your back on a mat. Legs should be bent to a 90 degree angle, feet flat on the floor. Arms should be out to the sides, palms facing upwards.

  2. Exhale and extend hips upwards keeping your back straight and your abs tight. Hold for 2 seconds at the top, making sure glutes are fired, exhale and lower.

  3. Complete intended reps and return to start position.

  4. Recommended reps: 8-10. can not be held responsible for any injuries which may occur as a result of these exercises, advice or recipes displayed on this website. Do not undertake any exercise program, diet or treatment provided by the site without professional or qualified supervision.