This exercise is a modified version of the crunch. It focuses on working the ab muscles, as well as the legs (hip flexors) and lower back.
- Start this exercise by lying down flat face up on a mat. Your elbows should be out, and your hands behind your head.
- Slowly move legs straight up off the floor towards your head. Make sure to keep your abs on and your legs as straight as possible.
- Once toes are pointing towards the ceiling, slowly move legs back down to the floor. Return to start position and finish reps.
- Recommended reps: Start with 10-12 reps and increase as you progress. ne peut être tenu responsable des blessures qui pourraient survenir à la suite de ces exercices, conseils ou recettes affichés sur ce site. N'entreprenez aucun programme d'exercice, régime ou traitement fourni par le site sans supervision professionnelle ou qualifiée.