What is Vitamin D?

Fitness Expert
Vitamin D is a vitamin that helps the body to absorb calcium and make bones stronger. Supplements are available in Vitamin D, to help boost the body's levels but you can also find it in cow's milk and margarine.

A deficiency of Vitamin D in children can cause rickets, a common bone disease that can cause skeletal deformities. Also, breast milk lacks Vitamin D so infants that are breastfed are recommended to take a Vitamin D supplement.

Low levels of Vitamin D in adults can cause osteoporosis – a bone disease that decreases bone density and mass. People who have naturally darker skin are recommended to take some form of Vitamin D supplement because it is harder for darker skin to generate the natural rays from the sunlight.

People who have troubles absorbing dietary fat, or those who suffer from diseases including Crohn's disease, liver disease, and cystic fibrosis have lower levels of Vitamin D.

Those that suffer from cold dark winters without any natural sunlight – especially Canadians, may find it difficult to maintain their Vitamin D levels.