The Power of Connection

Fitness Expert
Loneliness seems to still be a common phenomenon in our culture. Coupled with the fact that our lives are filled with an abundance of distractions and things that keep us busy, people now more than ever find themselves disconnected from their lives, their loved ones, and the power that comes from "plugging in" to the loving, supportive, expansive energy that is life.

It isn't hard to see why we're disconnected. Our jobs, our responsibilities, and our commitments practically require that we expend energy and brainpower thinking about other things. Our minds are filled with to-do lists, worry, and the mental clutter that accumulates in our day-to-day lives. It isn't often that we take the time to "sweep out" that mess in order to make room for peace and clarity. After all, slowing down means dealing with the mess, and for some of us, that can be a daunting task.

The seemingly "normal" side effects of this phenomenon play out in our daily lives as stress, illness, depression, anxiety, accidents, and other negative manifestations. The collective result of our disconnection is mental, physical, and emotional deterioration. We all know the feeling that comes when we're leading centered, balanced, healthy and purposeful lives, and how different it feels than the frantic, negative, stressful times that we simply have come to accept as the way things are. Though it can be easy to live in the latter state for a long time-years, for many-the physical and emotional consequences catch up sooner or later. Neglecting our physical health, our spiritual and emotional needs, and finding meaning and purpose in our lives will eventually take its toll.

Staying connected means putting your growth, development, and health at the top of your list of priorities. It's nearly impossible to live a purpose-driven life when you're neglecting your nutrition, not getting enough exercise, or surrounding yourself with negative people or circumstances that zap your energy. Though you may not have the luxury of loving the job you have, it also means taking the time to find and follow your passions-whether that's knitting blankets or kite surfing. The activities that bring you joy are a direct source of connection. They feed, nourish, and recharge you the same way a healthy meal would.

While maintaining a permanent state of bliss may be unreachable, harnessing the power of connection will always bring you closer to the joy that is accessible. If your life isn't working the way you'd like it to, it's never too late to make changes. The health and wellness experts at Ultimate Potential can help you bridge the gap and stay connected with programs that nourish the body, mind, and spirit. Visit to learn more.