Fitness Celebs - Will Smith:  The Legend

Fitness Celebs - Will Smith: The Legend

Blockbuster movie "I am Legend" is Will Smith's latest and most brilliant work on screen. The viewer accompanies him in his role as the last survivor in New York City from his endurance training on the treadmill. Smith's sweat covered body can be clearly seen: perfectly defined muscles, the former "Fresh Prince" at 39 years old appears more athletic than ever before.

Smith's success in this role can be based on fitness. In the film Smith trained nine months long and lost 6.5 kilograms of fat. However, for the world star from Philadelphia this was not an unusual challenge. Since he prefers starring in action films, this was ultimately the perfect role for him.

Smith, running and reading as a "key of life", tries between his films to maintain his fitness by jogging regularly. In addition, he does strength training in the studio, to maintain his muscle mass. He generally avoids fast food and tries to minimize "bad" carbohydrates.

Before the shooting of the sci-fi thriller "I, Robot" in 2004, Smith went through a stressful shooting for a promotional television tour. His maximum performance on the bench press had deteriorated to 17.5 kg and his body fat percentage was up 2%. To regain and reach his peak once more, Smith pursued an intensive program. He completed three months of 50 kilometer runs and worked out five days a week with weights, concentrating on one or two muscle groups per session. In addition, Smith kept his diet to carbohydrates and protein foods in order to rebuild muscle and optimize regeneration. After his metabolism was stimulated through body building, Smith then gradually reduced the intake of carbohydrates to burn fat. During this time his body fat percentage went from 12.5 to 7.5%. Responsible for this successful program was Smith's personal trainer Darrell Foster. Foster added on two days of boxing to his routine to complete his overall fitness routine.

Smith had the services of the former coach of Sugar Ray Leonard. For the embodiment of the most famous boxer of all time in the film "Ali" he had the knowledge of the Koran and the stature movements acquired by Muhammad Ali. The focus of Smith's training was to include a higher growth in conjunction with maximum flexibility and fitness. In addition, he trained under the direction of Darrell Foster for one year, five days a week, six hours a day doing weights. Smith's weight increased from 95 to 124 kg and he received an Oscar nomination for a totally different rhyme and reason. Maxim Magazine proudly reported that Will had the body of "Ali" was a "Sex Machine", and even that his "meat has become Viagra" and that he is keeping his wife happy. This is late appreciation for "Big Will", according to statements from his youth. Because of his thin figure and his protruding ears, he was not a favorite among the ladies until now.

With such positive experiences with training and healthy diet it is hardly surprising that Will Smith has recently gained this success in this action role.