Fitness Celebs - Jessica Alba

Fitness Celebs - Jessica Alba

People Magazine, to list only one of the few top magazines, named Jessica Alba as one of the 50 most beautiful people in this year's edition. Alba also gained 3rd place status in the 100 Sexiest Women in the World by PRT, and 1st place out of 100 women in Maxim magazine. This attention mostly stemming from her film "Into the Blue", where she sports a tight nit bikini, made all her female viewers envious, and all her male viewers wanting more. Her stunning 26 year old body is the result of an extremely strict fitness program, and a very healthy low-calorie diet.

In an interview Alba says that her family has always suffered from obesity even starting as young as twelve years old. She therefore decided to do everything possible for her family's genetically determined obesity problem. Just as ambitious as their dream actress to be pursued, it was from this point on her immediate family's bad diet completely vanished and they began to cook. Meanwhile, no one in the extended family followed their good example.

Her attitude towards food has not changed. Jessica Alba - now a Hollywood icon - is still standing at the stove. Her diet is very low in calories, and every meal comes from only healthy and organic ingredients.

For breakfast Jessica Alba prefers a little cottage cheese with peach, or a hearty omelette. For lunch, she enjoys salads in all possible variations. For snacks and to avoid cravings Jessica eats dried fruits, bits of chocolate and strawberry yogurt. Her dinner consists mainly of vegetables, combined with chicken or fish. Foods such as potatoes, pasta or greasy fast food were completely taken out of her diet plan. To keep her healthy looking skin Jessica Alba drinks more than three litres of water a day, and always uses a 45 cream with sun protection when exposed to sunlight.

But, as with any diet it only works in combination with exercise to maintain a beautiful body. With a personal trainer, Jessica Alba trained not only before the filming of her action films: Fantastic Four or Sin City, but still drives an hour each day to take part in physical activities outside of filming. Her private training session begins with a 10 to 15 minute warm-up on the treadmill or the cross trainer with a pulse of 180 beats per minute. Jessica then does 50 Lunges and 50 Crunches, followed by ten minutes on the treadmill or cross trainer again. Finally Jessica finishes with exercises for the shoulders, upper arm and forearm muscles.

Jessica says she generally feels better and full of energy during and after her training. Her trainer also gets her to do Thai Boe, Kickboxing, and Kung Fu, for cardio and to exude that extra energy.

But, Alba's perseverance in the fight against her family's obesity problem has certainly paid off. Jessica has now been proclaimed as one of the most naturally beautiful women in Hollywood, and without the help of plastic surgery.