Fitness Celebs - Britney Spears Photo Diet:  The hard way to a new album and figure

Fitness Celebs - Britney Spears Photo Diet: The hard way to a new album and figure

Shaved, with her tight belly, divorce, and disputes about her children, Britney Spears seems to be topping the list of talked about celebrities. In the past few years, we have seen nothing but lies and embarrassment. But, now she is back: Gimme More is her first single from the album Blackout. But everyone's still asking how did Britney get so thin and hip again?

Britney Spears never had it easy when it came to keeping her figure. Her mother always cooked food that was very rich in calories. In photos, she has been caught numerous times with her favorite snacks Coke, Red Bull or Cheetos to name a few. After leaving home, it is said that Britney eats very little. Here is what Britney drinks to keep herself fit.

Britney's fitness drink Jamba Juice's Gone Wild Strawberries.


  • 1 glass of apple juice
  • 1 glass of frozen strawberries
  • Half glass frozen bananas
  • 1 glass-fat vanilla frozen yogurt
  • Half glass ice

Put all ingredients into a blender. Mix until it is completely fine. Britney even has a strawberry diet, since she loves this drink.

A photograph showed Britney Spears at Heathrow Airport grabbing a blue bottle. A British reporter said that the bottle was known as a recognizable diet-pill. Britney's management team said that this was a false report, and their lawyers threatened to sue any photo released in conjunction with the diet pill fraud.

Britney's personal trainer Bobby Electricity said that Britney needed a lot of time to sort out things going on in her head and the sort, before she could get herself back to training. Though, with her divorce from Kevin Federline completed, and the custody battle for their children somewhat sorted, it seemed right for Britney to get back on track. Their latest hit, immediately after the publication ranked number 1 of Itunes downloads, and Britney seems as fit in her latest video as she was in her starting career days.

But recently, new and ugly rumors have started: Pop singer Britney Spears allegedly used asthma spray, in order to reduce her appetite and weight. The active ingredient in asthma sprays however, epinephrine, can cause severe headaches, nausea or heart rhythm disturbances. This story is yet to be confirmed.

Although Britney leads a hard road to success, she does manage through all the mess and media to keep herself looking great for the tabloids and cameras.