Does deadlift make you bigger

Does deadlift make you bigger

Bild von Taco Fleur auf Pixabay
Many gym-goers wonder whether deadlifting really results in muscle growth. This is especially true if you are just getting started with weightlifting. You want to make sure that your time and energy spent on something that isn't going to work isn't wasted.

I'll answer your query, "Does deadlift make you bigger" now - “It can make you bigger, yes.”

But, and there’s always a but!

However, you'll need more from me than just a yes or no to have satisfactory outcomes. In this piece, I'll explain the basics of deadlifting and what you can anticipate from it.

Let's dive into the musculature-altering world of deadlifting:

Can deadlifting help me gain muscle mass?

You might be wondering “does deadlift build muscle?”. Well, deadlifting is an amazing exercise for building muscle mass. It is very effective.
This compound exercise targets multiple muscle groups, which can increase both muscle size and strength.

Additionally, heavy deadlifting weights can trigger muscle hypertrophy, which is the process of the muscle fibers increasing in size.

However, it's important to note that if you decide to deadlift for mass, deadlifting alone will not necessarily lead to significant muscle gain. Building muscle mass requires a combination of progressive overload, proper nutrition, and adequate rest and recovery.

Incorporating deadlifting into a well-rounded workout routine that includes other exercises targeting different muscle groups, along with consuming enough protein and calories to support muscle growth, will help you see the best muscle mass results.

How to do a proper deadlift?

Alright, so you wanna deadlift like a pro? First things first, make sure your feet are hip-width apart, and your toes are pointing straight ahead or just a bit out. Position yourself so your shins are close to the barbell, and bend your knees slightly. Grab the barbell with your hands just outside your legs, keep your back straight, and engage your core.

Now, it's time to lift that bad boy up. Pull your hips forward and stand straight up, keeping the barbell close to your body. It's important to avoid rounding your back as you lift. When you reach the top, your hips and knees should be fully extended, and your shoulders should be back. To lower the barbell back down, just reverse the movement, keeping proper form in mind.

It's crucial to remember that starting with a weight that's appropriate for your current strength level, using proper form, and not overdoing it will prevent injury. Additionally, exercises that improve mobility and flexibility, such as stretching and foam rolling before deadlifting, can help with the movement.

What types of deadlift exercises are there?

If you're looking to add some deadlifting to your workout routine, you can try a few different variations.

Each variation emphasizes certain muscle groups and movements, so experimenting with a few different types can help you target all the areas you want to work on. Give them a try and see which one you like best!

Conventional Deadlift

When someone says the word deadlift - this is what they are referring to. The glutes, hamstrings, lower back, and abdominals are worked during the deadlift, which is the most popular and conventional technique. This movement is done with a barbell while maintaining a stance that is hip-width apart and positioning the hands such that they are outside of the legs.

Sumo Deadlift

This form of the deadlift has a broader stance with the feet outside the hips and the hands inside the legs. This exercise targets quadriceps and inner thighs more than the deadlift.

Romanian Deadlift

This version addresses hamstrings and glutes. The hips are targeted using a barbell in a hip-width stance and slightly bent knees.

Trap Bar Deadlift

Similar to a deadlift, this version uses a trap bar (hex bar). The hips and quadriceps are targeted with the hands inside the bar.

Single-Leg Deadlift

The correct way to perform a single-leg deadlift is with dumbbells instead of a barbell. This variant works glutes, hamstrings, and core. One leg is raised off the ground while deadlifting with a dumbbell in one hand or both hands.

Each version has distinct advantages and may be added to your training regimen based on your objectives, preferences, and fitness level. To avoid injury, use good technique and a weight that matches your strength.

What type of barbell should I use for deadlifting?

Your deadlifting barbell relies on your tastes and your deadlifting.

The standard barbell (Olympic barbell) is the most used deadlifting barbell. 7-foot, 45-pound barbells. Olympic weight plates fit their 28 mm diameter. Rotating sleeves let the plates rotate freely, decreasing wrist and forearm stress.

Hex bars—trap bars—are another possibility. A hexagonal barbell lets you stand within, which may help with back and mobility difficulties. This barbell allows for a more upright position for rookie deadlifters or those with back trouble, reducing lower back stress.

Your decision between these two barbells will rely on your tastes and deadlifting. Deadlifting doesn't need a barbell, either. Dumbbells and kettlebells are also used.

How to incorporate deadlifting into your bodybuilding routine

Depending on your objectives and expertise, you may add deadlifts to your bodybuilding practice. Progressing slowly and utilizing appropriate techniques to prevent injury is extremely important.

Include deadlifting as a critical lift on lower body days and progressively increasing weight. Start with a weight you can lift for 3-5 repetitions and gradually increase it while keeping perfect technique. Deadlifting may also be a supplementary exercise to squats, leg presses, and lunges.

Deadlifting is a strenuous exercise that demands rest and rehabilitation. Therefore you should only perform it 1-2 times a week, depending on your fitness level and other workouts.

Mobility and fitness workouts avoid injury and improve deadlifting efficiency.

Deadlifting VS other exercises for muscle growth

Deadlifting works the glutes, hamstrings, lower back, and core. It's great for growing muscle and strength. Deadlifting big weights may also cause muscular growth.

Deadlifting isn't the sole muscle-building activity. Squats, leg presses, and lunges are also terrific lower body strength builders and may be included to a well-rounded training plan. Lat pulls variations, pull-ups, and bench presses also help build strength and balance.

To maximize muscular development, a well-rounded training plan that targets many muscle groups and includes enough rest and recuperation is suggested. Deadlifting is wonderful, but it should be paired with other exercises to target all muscle groups and build a balanced body.

Proper Nutrition And Recovery For Muscle Growth

You can't simply say yes or no when asking whether deadlifting can make you more extensive. Nor can you focus on the exercise. Because you need to pay attention to nutrition and resting your muscles so you can get farther.

Proper nutrition and recovery are essential for muscle growth. The body needs the right balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to repair and grow muscle tissue.

Regarding macronutrients, it is vital to consume enough protein to support muscle growth. Aim for 1.6-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, focusing on high-quality protein sources such as lean meats, fish, eggs, and dairy. Carbohydrates are also crucial for muscle growth as they provide energy for workouts and aid recovery. Choosing nutrient-dense sources of carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is essential. Nutritional supplements and macro- and micro-nutrients are essential for muscle growth. Vitamin D, C, and zinc aid muscle health and recovery.

Proper rest and doing some rehab work will help your muscles grow. Rest, mobility drills, foam rolling, and gentle aerobics or yoga may promote muscle repair and growth.

The importance of giving a muscle group time to heal between exercises cannot be overstated. Training your muscles every day or other day may lead to muscular fatigue and muscle injury.

Gaining muscle involves both proper nutrition and physical therapy. Muscle growth and repair may be aided by eating a healthy diet rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals and getting enough rest and recovery.

Do I need to use a deadlift belt?

When it comes to deadlifting, using a belt is a divisive topic. Some people swear by them and use them for every set, while others avoid them altogether. Do you really need to use a deadlift belt? The short answer is it depends.

If you're a beginner, it's best to avoid using a belt until you've built some strength and developed proper form. Deadlifting without a belt will help you learn how to engage your core and maintain a neutral spine, ultimately making you a stronger lifter.

However, if you're a more advanced lifter pushing heavy weights, a belt can provide added support for your lower back and help you lift more weight.

Ultimately, whether or not you use a deadlift belt is a personal choice. It's essential to experiment and find what works best for you.

Remember that a belt should never be used as a crutch, and your form should always be the primary focus.

Do I need to use deadlift straps?

Weightlifters utilize deadlift straps to increase grip. These bands around the barbell and wrists improve your grip. Are they necessary? It's situational.

Beginners may not require deadlift straps since their grip strength will be enough. Grip strength may hinder you when you lift greater weights. Straps may help you lift more and keep your form.

But remember that deadlift straps are tools, not crutches. Grip-specific workouts and diverse grips like the mixed, hook, etc., help build grip strength. This improves grip strength and deadlifting.

Advanced lifters should use deadlift straps sometimes. Grip strength is crucial for deadlifting.

Potential risks associated with deadlifting

Deadlifting often causes lower back discomfort. Poor form or hefty weights might cause this.

Knee and hip injuries are another danger. Improper form stresses these joints needlessly. Rotator cuff injuries may also occur with deadlifting.

Deadlifting may not be the greatest activity if you have pre-existing ailments or conditions. Avoid deadlifting if you have lower back discomfort.

In conclusion, deadlifting is a terrific workout, but it's important to know the hazards and take care to avoid injury. Deadlifting safely requires good technique, weight, and no overtraining.

If you're unsure or have pre-existing injuries or ailments, visit a doctor or physical therapist before beginning.


Is deadlifting effective for building bigger muscles?

The effects of deadlifts are what it’s all about. It simultaneously engages numerous muscle groups. To prevent damage, employ the appropriate technique and slowly increase weight.

Deadlifting for size vs strength: Which is better?

Deadlifting can be used to build muscle size and strength, but it depends on your training goals. Aim for higher reps and moderate weight if you want to make muscle size. On the other hand, if your goal is to increase strength, you should aim for lower reps and heavier weights. Both approaches can be practical. It's just a matter of what you're looking to achieve.


Muscle gain with deadlifting is well documented. With this move, your back, glutes, hamstrings, and quads will all receive a good workout. Use the correct technique and gradually raise the weight to avoid injury.

Deadlifting is an excellent all-around compound exercise for increasing muscle mass. Muscles cannot be built only by deadlifting. A good diet, sufficient rest, and a varied exercise routine are necessary for success.

In a nutshell, deadlifting can help you build bigger muscles, but only if it is accompanied by a proper nutrition plan and plenty of recovery.

If you have experience with deadlifting or have questions about it, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below - looking forward to hearing from you.
