Dance Your Way to Fitness

Fitness Expert
Dance Your Way to Fitness

Are you wanting to lose those extra pounds gained during the winter months but dreading the boredom of the gym? Are you looking to maintain fitness and health for life? Dance your way to fitness! With the increasing popularity of ballroom dance, more and more places to dance are springing up across the country. Some even offer free lessons. You can learn to waltz, fox trot, rumba, tango, salsa, and cha-cha while you shed those unwanted pounds and tone your entire body.

Dancing requires you to use muscles you don't normally use in the gym. Not only does it work your muscles, it's also great for your mind. Medical researchers agree that dancing is a powerful way to alleviate depression. You will be so busy learning the moves that you won't realize what a workout you are getting. The short bursts of energy required for dancing will give your metabolism a boost and burn unwanted fat. Don't be concerned about making mistakes. The other dancers are too busy to notice. The basic steps to most dances are easy to learn and you can learn additional steps as you progress. It's a fun way to work out and you can practice as you move around your house, with or without a partner. You'll dip, spin, glide, turn and side-step your way to fitness in no time.

Ballroom dance is a great way to increase self-esteem and adapt social skills. You'll interact with others and make new friends who share your passion for dancing.