Colon Cleansing and Energy

Fitness Expert
Does this describe your typical day?

You wake up in the morning feeling tired, the day drags on and you feel depleted of energy. Perhaps you grab an energy drink, or multiple cups of coffee to give you the energy kick that you need to get through the day. You come home tired, lacking the energy to do anything. You sleep, but sleep never seems to be enough! You wake up the next day still feeling tired and worn out-to start the cycle all over again.

Energy Is Required for the Body to Operate
The body needs energy in order for it to fulfill all of its functions. The food that you eat is converted to energy by digestion and absorption through a series of chemical reactions. If proper digestion is not taking place, energy levels will not be optimal-and you will feel tired and sluggish.

More Americans are finding themselves drained of energy. So much so that some people have gone to the doctor looking for answers-only to find that physically there is nothing wrong. Leaving the question where is the energy leakage in your system?

Energy Robbers!

An unhealthy diet. If your diet consists of fast and processed foods, chances are you lack proper nutrition and low or non-existent energy levels are an indication. Eating a balanced diet which includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and fiber may help to naturally boost energy.

Too little water intake. Not many people realize how important it is to keep hydrated. It is said that 75 percent Americans are chronically dehydrated. Mild dehydration can slow down the body metabolism by 30 percent, causing you to feel lethargic.

Too much caffeine. Caffeine may give you a quick burst of energy, but in the long run it is depleting your energy supplies. Caffeine will eventually rob you of energy at the end of the day. The same goes for alcohol consumption.

Sedentary lifestyle. Exercise helps to transport oxygen to organs, tissues and cells. Oxygen helps to puirify the system. Studies show that oxygen improves cognitive performance. 1

High-calorie diet. Americans consume more calories than they need. Your body spends much of its energy digesting these calories.

Build-up of Waste. The world we live in may affect our body's ability to eliminate waste. Stressful, busy lifestyles, and poor eating habits, can impact the rate of digestion, leading to waste build up in the intestines. Eventually, waste can overload the body and impact nutrient absorption, resulting in fatigue.

Constipation. Excess fecal matter which is stored in the colon can be a burden for body to cope with. It also forms the perfect breeding environment for unhealthy bacteria..

Herbal Colon Cleansing – An Energy-Boosting Experience!

Helps in Proper Digestion and Absorption.
One of the vital functions of the colon is to balance the pH level of the digestive tract. Intestinal pH should be slightly acidic for the proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Helps Bind Toxins.
An adequate intake of fiber in the diet binds toxins and quickly passes them through the intestinal tract into the colon where they can be eliminated. 2

Aids Liver Function.
Once fiber reaches the colon it is acted upon by good bacteria. Through a process of fermentation, nutrients are produced which enhance the function of the liver. The liver is also strengthened to do its job, one of which is detoxification. 3

Stimulates Natural Elimination
BeneCleanse by Natural Detox is a three-stage program for supporting colon health. It provides gentle and safe cleansing through a combination of carefully studied ingredients which include various herbs and fibers. It also supports nutritional maintenance of the eliminatory organs-the liver, the kidneys, and the bowel-with minerals, vitamins and a special propriety blend of fibers and herbs.

Herbal colon cleansing aids the body to naturally eliminate waste from the body. Since toxins are one of the major reasons for fatigue, herbal colon cleansing can result in more energy and vitality!


1. Cognitive performance, hyperoxia, and heart rate following oxygen administration in healthy young adults. 1: Physiol Behav. 1999 Nov;67(5):783-9. PubMed: 10604851.
2. Vopr Pitan. 1998;(1):39-42. Dietary fibers in diet therapy. PMID: 9606867
3. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2006 Mar;40(3):235-43. Colonic health: fermentation and short chain fatty acids. Wong JM, de Souza R, Kendall CW, Emam A, Jenkins DJ. Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Center, St Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ont, Canada. PMID: 16633129.