Bringing Warrior Fitness Training into 21st Century

Fitness Expert
The Spartacus workouts that we have posted have quickly gained a lot of attention from people from the challenge, variety, and results that these workouts provide. The new patterns and exercises that sandbag training can provide transforms old movements and allows us to expand our fitness programs by challenging our core, stability, and fitness in ways that most never have trained.
Even with the effectiveness of sandbag training, we can create even better workouts when we combine sandbag training with the right training tools. One of the best combinations is sandbag training with the TRX suspension trainer. Using these two simple implements we can expand our training options exponentially and may never find a need to expand beyond.
Using the TRX with sandbag training allows us to progress movements to any ability level, from basic to extremely advanced. We teach how to move better, train muscles that are often missed, and there is no exercise where the abs and hips aren't working over time to make sure that our posture is perfect.
For example, when we take our lunge patterns with sandbag training and progress into suspended variations we challenge the hips, lower leg, and our flexibility in a whole new way. By creating and progressing to these new variations we stimulate new gains in fat loss, functional muscle gain, and our movement capabilities. This makes progress more than just lifting bigger weights, we can improve our fitness beyond just adding more weight to our body. This begins to increase our fitness without feeling achy and actually worse! Yes, training SHOULD make you feel better!
The other unique benefit to combining sandbag training with the TRX is actually attaching them together. Why do such a thing? Attaching sandbag training to the TRX via our Ultimate Core Strap accomplishes several goals.

Creating a longer lever arm: Most people forget that quite a bit of physics go into different exercises and how they impact the body's strength and stability. One example is the lever arms that many exercises pose on the body. Gymnasts are masters at manipulating lever arms to create more demanding movements. In our case, attaching the TRX and sandbag training creates a longer lever arm that makes a lighter weight feel heavier and can challenge our stability. You get more out of the same sandbag training that you may have believed you "outgrown".
New Patterns of Movement: One of our goals in sandbag training system is to give coaches and fitness enthusiasts a lot of tools and options while using very few implements. We can create exercises that hit the body in new patterns and positions that yield powerful new results. Our rotational and anti-rotational drills pose new fitness results in core training and corrective based exercises. The training within our sandbag training meets the needs of moving and feeling better while getting stronger and losing weight. That is because our exercises are our corrective drills and you can keep them dynamic and fun!

Enough talking though, try the new Spartacus workout combining sandbag training and TRX. Want to make it more challenging? See how many GOOD reps you can get the time frame, so add speed while maintaining forms. Just learning these movements? Go slower and next workout try to beat your best reps in the 40 second time frames. Now take the challenge!