The older you get the more likely you are to start forgetting things. We tend to think this is a natural phase of growing older, but this statement could be a fallacy in need of correction. Advanced science has discovered that some of our "senior moments" or tendencies to forget may simply be due to nutritional deficiencies. Nutritional gaps in our diets are common due to laid-back lifestyles and today's imbalanced diets. The effects of these become more pronounced as we grow older due to several reasons. As the body grows older, digestive abilities become impaired. The body may not be able to digest certain foods as efficiently as it used to. Appetites may become less, diets may change. We tend to lack certain nutrients that science has singled out to be beneficial for supporting memory and cognitive brain functions. It may be that all you need is a regular dose of memory vitamins to help keep you from forgetting things!
To meet this specific nutritional gap in our diets, include the following natural food sources regularly in your diet: fish, cruciferous vegetables, milk and milk products, egg yolks, meat, especially the liver. In addition to a good diet, you may find a more convenient way of getting all the memory-specific nutrients you need by taking memory supplements.
Memory supplement should include nutrients, antioxidants, herbs and essential memory vitamins. Here's a list of the top memory vitamins you should be looking out for:
Nutrient # 1 in Memory Supplements: Cognizan®
Cognizan® is a proprietary compound containing Citocholene, a member of the B vitamin family. It helps to support energy production in the brain.
Nutrient # 2 in Memory Supplements: Vitamin B-12
Vitamin B-12, also a member of the B vitamin family supports nerve cell to cell communication in the brain and is required for the production of new red blood cells.. As we grow older, the brain actually starts shrinking. Vitamin B-12 helps support brain functions, the nervous system and age-related brain atrophy.
Nutrient # 3 in Memory Supplements: Vinpocetine
Vinpocetine. Although the brain weighs just two pounds, it takes up 20 percent of our body's oxygen supply. The brain needs oxygen to support healthy brain functions. Vinpocetine is a nutrient that supports blood flow to the brain ensuring the brain gets a rich supply of oxygenated blood. It is derived from the periwinkle plant and also supports memory retention, alertness and cognitive brain functions.
Nutrient # 4 in Memory Supplements: Antioxidants
Huperzine A and Blueberry extract are two wonderful antioxidants that support brain cell to cell communication and cognitive functions. Blueberries contain antioxidants called anthocyanins which help to support coordination, motor functions of the brain and balance. Huperzine A, derived from medicinal plants, helps to protect neurons. Huperzine A has been used traditionally for centuries for enhancing memory skills and cognitive abilities.
Nutrient # 5 in Memory Supplements: Phosphatidylserine
Phosphatidylserine is a nutrient that is already present in the brain. It is a phospholipid that is known to build up memory retention and enhance concentration. It is also believed to help protect the brain against age-related moodiness.
More Ways to Empower Brain Functions
Statistics show that people who take a proactive approach to health by keeping themselves active and social tend to retain more memory, cognitive and motor skills than those who live isolated lives. Exercising your brain is as important as physical exercise. Keep your brain active by performing mental exercises-crossword puzzles, memory games done regularly will help strengthen brain muscles!
Physical exercise is also necessary. A walk, stretching exercises, jogging will help to increase circulation of blood to the brain. Consult with your doctor if you have any medical condition before you begin an exercise routine. You should also consult your doctor if you notice memory lapses that may be of a more serious nature than just age-related forgetfulness.
A quality memory supplement, like Memory Matrix, will help support healthy brain functions, mental acuity, motor skills and memory retention by supplying nutrients that may be lacking in your diet.
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