Transformer Part One: the beginning

Fitness Expert
The year is 2008, the planet is earth. It is being devoured. Humans are eating more food than ever before - putting a massive strain on the environment. So damaged by the effect of humans: the planets climate is changing, temperatures are increasing, and water levels are rising. Food prices soar as the world struggles to keep up with the appetite of western countries. Meanwhile millions die in third world countries from starvation. In contrast obesity rates in western countries rise, along with the rate of heart disease and depression. The only thing falling is the birth rate - too many obese people are having trouble finding their genitals.

Arising from this chaos is the Transformers. These people are not genetically gifted, more often than not they are genetically ungifted. But they have one thing the rest of the population lacks. The mental strength to transform their bodies, to lose fat, decrease their chance of heart disease and ward off depression. Are you ready to become a Transformer. If so your training begins here.

Ok that was a bit melodramatic/lame. But the concept is true. The population of the western world is getting very fat and the population of the third world is getting very thin. Many people in western countries desperately need a physique transformation. The risk of heart attack and virginity is just too great.

Why this program is different…

Many beginner fitness programs focus on doing lots of work, getting expensive gym memberships and spending hours doing boring cardio. This program is different because;

a) It focuses on value for time, using intervals and short rest periods to keep workout times down between 30 mins and an hour

b) Although you do some cardio that takes over an hour I guarantee it wont be boring, in fact if done with the right mindset no element of this program should be boring

Transformer Part 1: Learning, adopting habits and effort


My philosophy about the world is an adaptation of Knowledge is power.

Applying knowledge effectively is power

You spend 100% of your life with your body so shouldn't you take the time to learn about it. You know do a course on nutrition and biology, spend hours reading through dull testbooks about how the body works. Yeah probably not. So instead I've condensed some basic knowledge that you must know to be successful in your physique goals.

For the rest of the article containing; a breakdown of essential knowledge to achieve your fitness goals, week by week diet mindset strength and cardio program, and the chance to make a bigger contribution than any training could every achieve for 25 dollars, visit and click on the Transformers link on the left hand side.