The Three secrets of Cardio

Fitness Expert
The Three secrets of Cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is the most essential part of any beginners workout program, yet most beginners neglect it. Below are three secrets that will help you on your way to a strong, buff, lean body.

Intervals work better than long hours of cardio. Why? When your body's heart rate rapidly increases it sending the body into energy and fat burning mode. Even better is 20 minutes of hard intervals at the start of the day to increase your oxygen consumption for up to 24 hours. This means your body will burn fat for 24 hours from just 20 minutes of hard work. Intervals don't have the catabolic ( muscle eating) effects of long hours of cardio.

So what does this mean for you. Instead of your regular cardio - do 20 minutes of hard work 60 seconds at 100% 120 seconds at 75%. Good combinations include; kettlebell swings ( grab a kettlebell, crouch down and explode upwards with a straight back, bringing your arms straight out in front of your body) walking, sprinting on a bike, cruising on a bike, swimming(butterfly and breast stroke) and swimming.

If you enjoy it, it will be easier burn more fat. Intervals have this same effect, they are a hell of a lot more fun than jogging on a treadmill. However although you won't hate intervals you shouldn't enjoy them profusely. So find a sport that you love and add a few extra hours of that to supplement your intervals. Some popular choices include: squash, mountain biking (a personal favorite), any snow sport, motor biking (learn skills right and you greatly reduce risk), cycling, beach volleyball, rock climbing, and tennis.

Walking is the best exercise, but not for fat burning. Studies have shown that regular one hour walks have a positive effect on nearly every aspect of your body. So every day, preferably in the morning take advantage of the fat burning effects of cold air, go for a one hour walk. Put the Ipod in and head into the bush. You'll look better and you'll feel better.

Micheal Banfield