Metabolism & BodyFat

Fitness Expert
Its almost the new year and with that comes new year resolutions. Why wait! If your resolution is a leaner and healthier you then my Metabolism & Body Fat essay may shed some light on personalizing your nutrition

***Excerpt from Maximum Boost Workout© Book Page 10***

Metabolic Assessment & Bodyfat:

Understanding how many calories your bodily systems needs to efficiently function will optimize your workouts & recovery.

Lose Bodyfat Not Lean Muscle!!

Prevent unnecessary fatigue and 'burn out' by eating sensible portions based on your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).

First, learn what your lean body mass & body fat ratio using exercise science (I use Katch & McArdle Basal Metabolic Rate formula because it is based on lean body weight).

FYI-Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) & Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): It is important to have an assessment of your RMR/BMR caloric requirements for daily living and your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) for each day. This information would be used to create a nutrition plan. In combination with a strength and conditioning program you will be able to maximize your body fat reduction or lean muscle gain efforts.

AGAIN-Understanding how many calories your bodily systems needs to efficiently function will optimize your workouts & recovery.
Prevent unnecessary fatigue and 'burn out' by eating sensible portions based on your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).

Lose Body Fat Not Lean Muscle!!

BMR and RMR are estimates of how many calories you would burn if you were to do nothing but rest for 24 hours. They represent the minimum amount of energy required to keep your body functioning, including your heart beating, lungs breathing, and body temperature normal. The major difference of the two is how the assessments are obtained.

BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate. Professional BMR measurements require 12 hours of fasting, 8 hour rest along with other factors. BMR is the minimum number of calories needed to maintain a healthy metabolism.

RMR stands for Resting Metabolic Rate.. Which is the minimum number of calories your body needs to support its bodily systems functions, including breathing, blood circulation, digestion etc.

Use exercise science to find out your BMR. Try using Katch & McArdle Basal Metabolic Rate formula because it is based on lean body weight. Remember, you first must learn what is your ratio of lean body mass & body fat.

What is TDEE & caloric balance?
The first step to total body wellness & body sculpting is awareness of how many calories are required for you to function in a day (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). It will be based on your daily activities and lean muscle not total weight.

Universal Facts on Metabolism & Age:
As we age our metabolism decreases
As we age & your height decrease, metabolism decreases
Metabolic Rate will decrease with the loss of lean muscle
Metabolic Rate will increase with growth of lean muscle mass.
Decreasing caloric intake alone (fad, poor diets etc) will not increase your BMR/RMR .
Be active. Begin to eat sensibly and exercise regularly.

Simple laws of consumed and expended calories: Consume less calories than you burn and you will lose weight. Consume more calories than you burn and you will gain weight. Note: Age, gender, current health along with other factors will determine pace of body transformation.

Here are some suggestions:
Step 1: Write a nutrition diary to record what you eaten ( daily or weekly).

Learn ratio of nutrient density of foods compared to calories.

Step 2: Review your diary & add up total calories for day.

Step 3: Find out your body fat & lean muscle percentage:
Methods to obtain Body Fat & Lean Muscle Ratio Use the average of 3 measurements:
Seek assistance from a fitness professional or consult with your physician.
1)Skin Fold Calipers. 2) Use tape measurement. 3) Electronic Body Fat Analyzer

Step 4 Calculate Your BMR
The Katch-McArdle formula applies equally to men and women

Step 5 Calculate Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure TDEE
Use a TDEE based on exercise science.
The result will be the total number of calories needed to MAINTAIN your current weight.

Record your TDEE and compare it to the caloric intake you entered in your journal.

Maximize your Maximum Boost Body Sculpting Program by figuring out how many calories you need to Lose Weight or Gain Weight.

Be smart with your body sculpting. Drastic short term weight loss via starvation and consuming below your TDEE may have long term effects.
Fast weight gain via ingesting high amounts of protein may lead to excess of calories and increase of bodyfat.
Generally, 1-2lbs of body fat is recommended for weight loss per week.
Weight gain with lean muscle requires a sensible/measured increase of calories per day

Please consult with a professional regarding caloric suggestions.
Visit Fitness Foundry Nutrition page to learn more on nutrient dense foods & other health related topics
You will have access to calculators & information that will make a difference!