How to Make Success Inevitable

Fitness Expert
How many of the top athletes in the world have couch potato friends? How many financially successful people have friends working minimum wage or are on welfare? How many academics hang out with people who don't go to libraries or book stores? Probably not a lot.

In chemistry there is a term 'like dissolves like'. This means that two solutions will mix and interact if they are either both polar (like water) or non-polar (like oil). Oil and water don't mix for this reason.

Now think of all the different relationships, arrangements, situations and aspects of your life and consider if they mix or not? For example...

Of your closest friends and family how many of them workout and get physical exercise every day? How many them when they do workout train with intensity and focus? How many of them see health and fitness as a direction rather than a destination?

Is your home set up to ensure success for your health? Are there foods in the fridge or cupboard that bring you closer or take you further from your goal? Do you have healthy food items to go for days when there isn't time to sit and prepare meals?

Does your employer support your efforts towards a healthy lifestyle? Is there a gym at work? Are there showers? Do your coworkers enter teams in rec sports leagues? Are there other people working towards the same goal that would support you in your efforts? Would there be a potential training partner at work? Could the staff lunchroom be stocked with healthy food choices and water instead of chocolate, candy and chips?

Without a lot of effort we can quickly change the perspective from which we begin each day. Make it one surrounded by individuals who support and believe in your goals. Make it one where healthy foods choices are automatic and temptations are removed. And lastly, see and believe yourself realizing your goal.

Take a few minutes to brainstorm and figure how you can make your home, your work and your social life more positively suited towards success. As soon as we can eliminate some of the negatives, making positive choices becomes a whole lot easier.

Helping you to make your success inevitable,

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