Functional Strength

Fitness Expert
It's cool to lay on a flat surface and push off 350lbs, but how does that help you outside the gym? That's the point I'm trying to make. In the long run, heavy lifting like this will cause serious breakdowns of joints causing injury. Functional strength exercises are designed to help you become stronger in real world scenarios without taking you to the brink of pain. You'll feel the burn still, but your gains will also help you in the weight room. You can still do some exercises that'll bring out the chest, "guns", and other look good body features, and you'll have the strength to go along with that.

Core exercises help the root of all strength and power, which is in your core. No need to do 1,000 crunches if your core isn't where it should be. You get the core exercises out of the way, and then do your ab routine. This helps bring out the definition even more, along with cardio. If you want to sculpt the perfect body and have the juice to back it up, you'll need to do several different movements that your body uses to function daily. Free weights, medicine balls, and swiss balls are only part of the solution. We'll get into that later on.

So in the next few posts here, we'll get deeper into the situation as I put my own spin on it. I'm supposed to be taking pics of my progress, but my mind is in a million different places right now. I'll be sure to note progress though, and i'll get them up just to show you the changes my body makes. I do several different types of workouts and change them up frequently to prevent getting bored and hitting plateaus. Stay tuned.