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Learn 47 SexyBalls Sexual Positions In 10 Minutes. Satisfy Anyone You Touch. Make Sure YOU Have The Sexiest Balls.
don't talk to any of your friends about your sex life until you read this!!!
SEXYballs is sweeping the globe!
Best selling Author Wallace Rios, self confessed Romantic and Sexpert has finally made all of his TOP-SECRET seduction techniques available online.
Brazilians are well known for their Sexpertise and this is one sexy man where there‘s no exception.
He has decided to Spill the Beans ….make sure you get this information while he is still willing to tell all.
10/12/07 15:41 EST
Dear Friends,
Lets take this opportunity to have a very private and personal chat.
How's sex for you?
Tired and boring?
Fast and exciting?
Deep and meaningful?
New and motivating?
Do you look forward to time alone with your Lover?
Or are you seeing sex as some sort of obligation?
Are you imaginative with your Sexual Positions?
Are you looking to impress your Partner?
Are you looking for your love life to explode?
Do you want that amazing endless full body penetrating orgasm?
Do you need more Bounce in your love life?
Do you want to experience that full penetration feeling fully being entered and enter your partner/s wholly and assuredly?
If you answered YES to any of these questions then you NEED to read on.
In the next few minutes you are going to learn how to:
Increase the intensity of your bond with your partner.
Heighten the pleasure you receive from sex like never before.
Finally make sex FREE and Liberating.
Experience full body orgasms like never before whilst losing calories toning your body and letting loose your sexual fantasies.
Welcome to Sexy Balls!
A guide to a whole new world of intense sex!
Sexy Balls is a book for everyday people who want the ultimate sex life. Sexy Balls explores sex in MANY positions, all with added intensity from a fitness ball.
Everybody knows exercise is key to a good ticker and a more sleek physique.
Did you know working out may improve your sex life, trigger a better night's sleep and help you stop smoking?
"Obviously, exercise helps with weight loss, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and reducing risk for such things as osteoporosis and diabetes"
Says one exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise.
Those are the mainstream benefits, but there's a lot more people may not be aware of. As the year continues and many contemplate trips to the gym -- take a look at a few of the other benefits of exercise:
Good night's sleep
An active lifestyle might also mean a more restful sleep. The National Sleep Foundation reports that exercise in the afternoon can help deepen shut-eye and cut the time it takes for you to fall into dreamland. But, they caution, vigorous exercise leading up to bedtime can actually have the reverse effects. A 2003 study, however, found that a morning fitness regime was key to a better snooze. Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center concluded that postmenopausal women who exercised 30 minutes every morning had less trouble falling asleep than those who were less active. The women who worked out in the evening hours saw little or no improvement in their sleep patterns.
No studies have proven conclusively the best time to exercise, but the benefits of "a better ability to fall asleep and a more restful sleep when you do -- there's unanimous agreement on that."
Stop to smoking
The adrenaline rush and stress relief from a brief workout can replace similar feelings smokers get from tobacco and help reduce the urge for a cigarette for those trying to quit, according to smoking cessation programs.
Interested in the effect of exercise on someone trying to kick the habit, one study in the Archives of Internal Medicine followed 281 sedentary female smokers, who were otherwise healthy, in their efforts to quit. The group assigned exercise sessions were twice as likely to quit and stay smoke-free over the non exercise group, both at 12 weeks and a year later.
Brain boost
Regular exercisers may have to work less to jog their memory in the long run, as well as experience short-term benefits in creativity and reaction time.
One study in the journal Nature reports that sedentary senior citizens who took up walking for 45 minutes, three days a week, were able to significantly improve mental skills that decline with age. Meanwhile, Middlesex University researchers in London discovered that 25 minutes of aerobic exercise boosted scores on creativity tests that followed.
And one study "found physically fit workers were 12.5 percent more efficient at the end of the day than their non-physically fit counterparts..
Better sex
If a well-rested, smarter and nonsmoking self is not enough, exercise has also been linked to a better sex life. Poor general health can lead to poor sexual function, so keeping fit only helps maintain or revitalize performance and satisfaction in the bedroom.
After studying more than 31,000 men, the Harvard School of Public Health researchers reported that those who were physically active had a 30 percent lower risk for erectile dysfunction than the men with little or no physical activity.
Women reap the exercise benefits, too. One study by the University of British Columbia found that 20 minutes of exercise spurred greater sexual response in the women participants compared with no exercise at all.
And overall, people who exercise regularly feel better about themselves, feel more sexually desirable and report higher levels of satisfaction, according to a study in the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality.
Along with these lesser-known benefits, exercise also promotes health in a myriad of tiny detailed ways with increased "coordination, flexibility and greater efficiency in daily activities."
I've been working as a personal trainer for more than 10 years, and through my studies it has been proven that exercise is the surest means of raising our spirits. They both release endorphins which are our body and brains naturals highs, leaving you feeling more fulfilled and content. Sexy balls are the combination of a lot work to help people like you to be successful in your sex and health life style.
Not only does the fitness ball provide extra 'bounce', you also get a better workout than any other sexual position. Inside the book you'll find details of how many calories are burnt and which muscles are utilised in each Sexercise position.
I hope you'll have as much fun with my book as I had putting it together. Just remember, if you have any problems with my positions, make sure you get your own personal trainer for professional advice! Just remember to read the liability statement at the front and back cover.
So there you have it SexyBalls not only intensifies your sex life it can:
Help you to get a good nights sleep
Help you to stop smoking
And…… Boost your Brain
A few words from satisfied readers:
I thought this was a joke when I first heard the name Sexyballs but I'm telling you now this is NO joke. The way that my boyfriend makes me feel is UNBELIEVABLE.
Angela Nelis - Hotel Manager
Its funny no one has ever taught me how to make love to a woman. The only chance we get to witness others having sex is in pornography where woman are getting treated like objects. The respect that Wallace shows for sex partners in the book is great. I look at love making completely differently now.
Geoffrey Falls - Farmer
Don't talk to others about sex and love making. Every young man needs to use this as their bible for love. I wish I had this 10 years ago.
Johnny Mack - Luxury Car Dealer
I couldn't believe the number of positions in the book. In my whole life I've probably only ever tried 5 or 6 different positions. I haven't made it through the whole book but I intend to get through them all many times over.
Rachel Callaham - Costume Designer
I hate skipping the gym but now I have an excuse. I keep telling myself that my Saturday night is now a workout.
Pedro Alves Pinto – Builder
I'd never thought of sex on a ball before but it is a necessary part of my sex rituals. I never run out of ideas when I'm in bed. I got busted hiding the book under the bed and flipping the pages during a session at home. Well done Wallace my sex life has not been the same.
Flavia Rodrigues – Housewife
I always felt too embarrassed to ask mates about what they did to make sex more fun and now I don't have too. Thanks Wallace.
James Anderson – Mechanic
I tell my friends I have a private sex coach Wallace Rios. Most of my friends say they've never heard of such a thing but when I show them the book they at first think it's a joke but I guarantee you they are trying out some of the positions when they get back home.
Aaron Karrington – Student
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