Weight loss and weight gain in the movie business are almost routine. Within a few weeks the stars usually have to gain or lose more than ten kilos, and in the shortest time possible. For example, George Clooney, for the film "Syriana" was eating huge pasta plates, and was 17 kilos overweight resulting in circulatory and back problems. Another well-known example is the South African ex-model Charlize Theron, for her role as Aileen Wuornos, in the film "Monster", gaining 15 kilos. Shortly after the end of the shooting they saw sudden resurgence.
One of the most impressionable of all is Renée Zellweger with these twisted "yo-yo effects". After her role as Bridget Jones as her first movie success Renee gained 20 kg. Then appearing on the red carpet 4 weeks later, she was 13 kg lighter. At the age of 35 years and a size 1.65 m weighing 48kg, this is not necessarily model size, but looking at her diet and her sports program this is an ideal in between weight.
Renée achieved such a rapid weight loss without yo-yo effect with a mixture of cabbage soup and the Atkins diet. The cabbage soup was a special recipe with the ingredients: spring onions or leeks, tomatoes, green peppers, cabbage, carrots, perennial celery, parsley, onion soup, salt, pepper, curry and chili for seasoning. Renée eats this soup every day and whenever she gets hungry. The miracle of this diet is that it burns fat the more you eat it. The resulting acid flushes the body, with the addition of drinking two liters of water daily. In a week with the cabbage diet you can lose six kilos. However these crash diets can be extremely harmful, and should be kept to a minimum of twice a year.
In the second week Renée Zellweger continues with the Atkins diet, a diet form to be rich in fats and proteins, and carbohydrates as a low-fat diet. Depending on the feeling of hunger, oils / fats and proteins consumed in any quantity, while pasta, bread, rice, honey, legumes, cereals, fruits, vegetables (like potatoes), sugar additives, nuts, seeds and hardened fats (such as margarine) are avoided. Only 8-10 glasses of water a day are drunk. Renée keeps this diet for another 2 weeks and loses another five kilograms. However, she prefers the Ätkins diet until she reaches their desired weight.
It is very important to eat at least 3 meals a day no more than 6 hours apart. At this stage everyone loses weight quickly depending on age and sex, but also from training.
In this case Renée Zellweger restricts herself to 20 minutes of power yoga and as much movement in the fresh air as possible. She suggests eating very slowly, until it is saturated and unfelt. Now another week added 10 grams carbohydrates, and the weight should then increase to reduce the carbohydrates again in 5-10 days, so it prevents the dreaded yo-yo effect.
Losing 13 Kg in four weeks and all this without the yo-yo effect is certainly not easy, but as we know Renée Zellweger proves it to be possible. Now there is no excuse to losing those unwanted summer pounds that you want off. Even if the clock is ticking and the first day of your holidays are approaching.
Fitness Celebs - Renee Zellweger: Defeating the yo-yo effect

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