Fitness Celebs - Jennifer Garner:  Mother Gone Action Hero

Fitness Celebs - Jennifer Garner: Mother Gone Action Hero

Hollywood stars are characterized by their perfect figures. But what happens if they suddenly become a mother or father? Quite a few stars cannot handle the pressures of stardom and the addition of children into their own lives - think of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. But there are exceptions: Jennifer Garner, even after her birth cracked down on keeping her life balanced and her baby number one.

Michael Jackson, recently acquitted of a charge against sexual harassment of a child, held his baby out the window of a hotel room to the fans and reporters below. Britney Spears, already with a suicide attempt, parties all night revealing every part of her body while her baby sleeps at home.

After the little lapdog of yesterday, the new accessory of "baby" seems to be a common trend. Fortunately there is the trend in factory Hollywood even a few parents see more than a momentary trend. Believe it or not, there are some celebrities that are responsible adults and actually stand as good role models for their children.

Jennifer Garner, for example, is one of them. As one of the currently most famous action heroes, in the series "Alias" Jennifer has become famous and also proves particularly in the cinema strip "Operation Kingdom" as a combat machine, as well as one of the sexiest women alive. For a person whose greatest asset is her body, looks forward even more to seeing that her children stand first before anything else.

Unlike Kate Hudson, after her pregnancy tried a crash diet to get rid of access weight, Jennifer Garner goes naturally with her weight gain. In an interview she says that it took her over six months, until she went back to her normal size. She could not really motivate herself, even when her daughter Violet was asleep, because she was exhausted. In addition, she found her new curves to not be as bad as she thought, and for the first time in her life she was content.

As Violet reached seven months old, she started slowly in her new role as Janet Meyes in the action film "United Kingdom". The best motivation was working alongside the Boston University Hockey Team where they did all their strength training. "A horde of 22-year-old Adonis bodies," as she describes the hockey team, gave her the necessary energy during training. This was her only secret; otherwise, she made a concerted light exercise program Yogolates, a mixture of yoga and Pilates, where you can get stamina and build muscles. Nonetheless, Garner sticks to a specific diet plan, and does sports a minimum of twice a week, even being a busy mother. She expresses though that she dislikes training while traveling and does not want to jump on the super slim celebrity diet. She says she is "more concerned about my health and I want my time especially with Violet. "

One can only hope that others will follow Jennifer Garner's example as a role model mom, and above all, that if Paris Hilton gets the desire to become a mother because of this trend, that the idea gets quickly rejected.