Fight Diabetes with these helpful foods!

Fitness Expert
Controlling your blood sugar levels sure can be a pain, especially for those with diabetes. But certain foods that we can put into our regular every day diet can help protect you from the effects of diabetes. These food choices are packed with nutrients that can help stabilize your blood sugar levels and protect your heart.'s Diabetic Food Picks:

1. Cinnamon. If you simply put 1/2 a teaspoon of cinnamon into your coffee or food choices daily, your cells will become more sensitive to insulin. Your cells then convert your blood sugar to energy. If you try taking different variations of cinnamon extract you will see these results: lower blood sugar spikes after a meal, and major improvements in heart health.

2. Fish. Especially cold water fish that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids (good fat) like salmon, mackarel, and sardines, can lower cholesterol and triglycerides and raise levels of HDL.

3. Apples. Studies have shown that men and women who ate apples daily, and other foods high in quercetin (also found in onions, tomatoes, green vegetables, & berries) have a 20% less chance of dying from diabetes and other heart disease related problems.

4. Nuts. Multiple health sources indicate that people who eat nuts regularly have a lower rate of heart disease, than those that don't. Even healthy eaters that don't eat nuts have lower health records than those that do.

5. Chocolate. Yes, I said chocolate! In particular dark chocolate improves insulin sensitivity, which helps prevent type 2 diabetes, helps reduce blood pressure, and improves the functioning of blood vessels.

6. Steak. Besides protein, iron, and vitamin B that you get from eating steak, there is something called linoleic acid found in beef that helps correct blood sugar metabolism. It also has anti-cancer properties as well!

7. Citrus Fruit. People with diabetes tend to have lower levels of Vitamin C. So, fruit packed with antioxidants like lemons, limes, oranges, and even berries can be a great snack choice for diabetics.

8. Fiber foods. Most people do not get their daily intake of fiber. But those who increase their fiber intake from even 24-50 grams daily can drastically improve blood sugar levels.

9. Vinegar. It is simple to say that two tablespoons of vinegar when taken before a meal can easily make your blood sugar go down. A study done by Arizona State University East showed that diabetics that took 2 tablespoons of vinegar before a meal lowered their blood sugar by 25%. Those that were prediabetics (those that have potential signs of becoming diabetic) lowered their levels by half.

10. Spinach. Most green leafy vegetables including spinach like Popeye said, are good for the eyes. Most people that become diabetic end up with vision problems, so this one is particularly important. These greens are also good sources of fiber, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, and iron.

So add these great food choices to your diet to help prevent potential signs of diabetes, and also to treat those that are already diabetic.