Do What You Love And Your Health Will Follow

Fitness Expert
1. Even if you do have an existing exercise regimen, your body needs a change from the norm from time to time so be sure to switch it up. If you are used to running on the treadmill, add another activity that you enjoy about once a week or so. Think about joining a dance or step class at your local rec center, or even a volleyball league. Buy a new fitness DVD to follow, incorporate intervals into your work out or try a cycling class to switch things up a little.

2. Any activity that you participate in burns calories, so don't think that you are cheating yourself. For example, for a 160 lb person, racquetball burns approximately 156 calories, skiing at 4 mph burns approximately 158 calories, and tennis burns approximately 120 calories all in only 15 minutes of activity. Do you enjoy hiking or mountain biking but haven't incorporated either into your lifestyle? What better time than the present? Join a hiking club, rent a mountain bike and hit the trails! Switch things up and actually enjoy your workouts!

3. Doing new activities could work your muscles in a different way, therefore achieving different results. You might notice that after swimming for the first time in many years that your muscles are sore the next day. The old cliche applies here: Don't expect different results from doing the same thing that you've always done. A trainer can help you narrow down the best options for you in order to achieve the best results with the safest game plan.

4. If you are bored with your current routine, you MUST do something NOW! You will acheive greater benefits when you challenge your muscles in a new way, AND you will likely find a new hobby that doesn't involve sitting! Addiitonally, you will find that the excuses will start coming more and more easily as you settle into a routine that is the same everytime. Even incorporating light hand weights while you take your walk, or doing lunges and squats during your jog on the traiil (or treadmill) will seem a little more interesting and provide different results.