Colon Health and Weight Loss

Fitness Expert
Anyone who has used a colon cleanser will tell you about that exhilarating feeling of being "lighter"-as if someone has freed you from a burden you hadn't realized you were carrying.. This is what an effective colon cleanser can do for you. People often report losing a few inches off their waistline weight after an initial cleanse-because they have purged waste that has accumulated inside the colon, which helps to eliminate gas and bloating. Elimination of accumulated waste is only one result. There are many more benefits to colon cleansing that can aid any weight loss program.

Colon Cleansing Can Improve Digestion and Immune Health1
An herbal colon cleanse can help to restore a healthy balance of microflora in the digestive tract and support immune health. Microflora is the good bacteria found in your intestinal tract which helps keep digestion at an optimal level. Good digestion leads to the proper absorption of nutrients through the intestinal lining. This results in better and more complete nutrition for the body, which in turn, may result in more energy for the body to expend on exercise. After an herbal colon cleanse, many people report having more energy, feeling more alert, having better, clearer skin, having a better appetite, and experience less gas and bloating. This improvement in general health, may help people to be more focused and disciplined about their weight loss program. This is the sensation that may inspire to be more active and engage in physical exercise. It's all a cycle which begins in the colon!

Effective Weight Loss Depends on Good Nutrition.
A consistently poor diet results in low nutrition intake. The body has its own survival mechanisms-and inadequate nutrition may send your body into "survival mode." A consistently poor diet-and subsequent lack of nutrition-signals the body to store more fat in your system so that it has a reserve to depend on in times of energy needs. Proper nutrition and exercise will gradually help to naturally regulate your body's appetite and fat accumulation.

Include raw vegetables in your diet. Raw vegetables contain vital enzymes which are lost in the cooking process. Eating salads, and especially green leafy vegetables, will help to cleanse the system naturally. Enzymes like lipase help to break down fat and distribute it in the body. Lipase helps by melting fat to produce energy for the body as well as inhibit the synthesis of fat2. Eating more of these foods can help act as "fillers" between meals. They have relatively high nutrient content, less calories and absolutely no fat content.

Eat frequently: Eat more and have a smaller stomach. Eating three main meals, supplemented by a snacks every few hours may help to shrink your actual stomach size-and keep you feel fuller sooner.. Eating frequently also helps to burn more calories through digestion.

Herbs like green tea and acai berries can nutritionally help to increase the rate of body metabolism, thus helping to burn calories faster. Take advantage of these in your diet programs. Studies show they can help you lose weight more quickly. 3

Effective Weight Loss Depends on Regular Exercise
Exercise burns calories. The idea behind any weight loss programs is to burn more calories than you consume-the basic math behind any weight loss. A daily exercise program can help burn calories.. Exercise also helps to oxygenate the blood so that organs and tissues receive oxygen to perform their functions. It helps to increase heart palpitation so that heart muscles are strengthened.

Effective Weight Loss Depends on Fiber Intake
According to a study reported in the Journal of Nutrition: "Inclusion of fiber in the diet promotes satiation and prolongs satiety, aids in long-term compliance to low energy diets and encourages "healthy" food choices and eating habits. Dietary strategies aimed at promoting health and encouraging weight maintenance or loss should consider the benefits of dietary fiber and its related properties." 4

Herbal colon cleansers contain fiber which helps soften stools and create bulk for easier elimination. Studies show that fiber can help in weight loss programs. Fiber helps to regulate optimum lipid levels, helps to lower the calorie intake of certain foods, and is said to decrease hunger pangs-because of increased satiety. 5-8

A Few Facts about Fat Accumulation
Avoid monosodium glutamate. According to a study reported in the August 2008 issue of Obesity Journal, MSG was associated with increased risk of obesity. The study indicated that MSG induces hypothalamic lesions and leptin resistance. Leptin plays a leading role in metabolism and regulating the body's appetite, thus affecting energy levels.

Avoid certain artificial sweeteners. Using artificial sweeteners, like saccharine and aspartame, could be associated with weight gain. This was reported in a study Behavioral Neuroscience (Vol. 122, No. 1, February 2008), "The data clearly indicate that consuming a food sweetened with no-calorie saccharin can lead to greater body-weight gain and adiposity [fat] than would consuming the same food sweetened with a higher-calorie sugar."

Avoid hydrogenated fats, refined carbohydrates, fried foods and sugar as these foods have high caloric density. Eating too much of these foods can also lead to constipation.

Remember, a good weight loss program can begin in the colon with a superior herbal colon cleanser. BeneCleanse contains fiber, and herbs which can promote natural regularity. By enhancing proper digestion, promoting energy, and providing fiber, it can effectively help your weight loss program. Consult with your doctor to work out a weight loss program that will suit your constitution and give you results.


1. Infection and Immunity. 1973 July; 8(1): 30-35. Effect of Colon Flora and Short-Chain Fatty Acids on Growth In Vitro of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae. Department of Medicine, The Medical College of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphia Veterans Administration Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19129.
2. Inhibitory effect of the pancreatic lipase C-terminal domain on intestinal lipolysis in rats fed a high-fat diet: chronic study. International Journal of Obesity (2003) 27, 319–325.
3. Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Dec;70(6):1040-5. PMID: 10584049.
4. Burton-Freeman B. Dietary fiber and energy regulation. J Nutr 2000 Feb;130(2S Suppl):272S-5S.
5. J.L. Slavin. Dietary fiber and body weight. Nutrition 2005; Mar;21(3):411-8. PubMed:15797686.
6. K.M. Behall, J.C. Howe. Resistant starch as energy. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition 1996;15(3):248-54. PubMed:8935440.
7. L. Aust, G. Dongowski, U. Frenz, A. Taufel, R. Noack Estimation of available energy of dietary fibres by indirect calorimetry in rats. European Journal of Nutrition 2001;40(1):23-9. PubMed:11315502.
8. J.A. Higgins, D.R. Higbee, W.T. Donahoo, I.L. Brown, M.L. Bell, D.H. Bessesen. Resistant starch consumption promotes lipid oxidation. Nutrition & Metabolism 2004, 1:8. PubMed:15507129.
